Chapter Sixteen: Texts

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~ Infinity's P.O.V~
My vision was blurry with tears as they continued to pool up into my eyes and rolled down my cheeks, the wind was wiping my hair back as I ran down the pavement of the sidewalk, my feet hitting the ground with such a force and whirling me faster as I ran off in some random direction. My body ached with a sense of warmth, but yet not in a good way. It felt like I was on fire, like I was standing right in front of the sun and getting hit my its rays which were of unseemly temperatures, like someone had decided to make my body an industrial space heater. My heart, it felt like ice though, it felt like a rock, but yet with each step I took a sharp pain emitted through it as I replayed the words that Ciara had said to me through my head. She has to be lying! She has to be! Michael wouldn't cheat on me... he said he loved me, he said I was his one and only... his one and only Infinity, I thought to myself as I shook my head as I eventually stopped running and leaned myself up against a tree, rest my head in my arms as I stood against the tree. 
        You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you, my favorite author once said, but right now I'm not loving any of the choices that I made about that. I knew I shouldn't have even attempted to be apart of Ash's and Ciara's plan, I should've just said no and then maybe everything would be all better and I wouldn't be in this situation right now, but yet at the same time I also feel like I wouldn't have the same friendship that I have with Ashley and Ciara if I didn't and that I wouldn't have the same relationship that I have with Michael, that we wouldn't be so close with each other, but maybe I'm wrong.. maybe our relationship would've been stronger if I didn't say yes to doing this 'small favor' for Ash and Ciara.
        Eventually I turned myself around and slid my back down the trunk of the tree until I was sitting down and brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them, tears still pooled up in my eyes but were no longer rolling down my face at the rapid speed that they once were. I shook my head a bit as I closed my eyes tightly, wondering if I should call or text him to tell him what I've found out and try to confront him, but yet I couldn't bring myself to move my hand and pull my phone out of my pocket. How could he do this to me? I mean, it doesn't even seem that logical considering we spend almost everyday together... but maybe on the days that we aren't.. that's when he's with Alyssa?
        "Stupid, stupid, stupid, how could you be so naïve?" I whisper to myself as I duck my head into my knees, feeling the water works wanting to start up again. I knew what he does to every girl he dates, I know what he's like, I knew and still know that he really does have the power to break me, to make me crumble, to ruin me, but yet I let him inside either way. I let him break down my walls and trusted him... and I'm truly an idiot for doing so. I need to talk to him though, I need to know if all of this is true because it cant be, he said he loved me, he said we would be together forever, that our love would last forever in its own little infinity. I slowly brought my head out of my knees and started getting back up onto my feet, when my phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and my heart just seemed to leap a little, but also break at the same time, seeing that the text was from Mikey

To: Hazel Grace <3
Hey love, can you come over please? I miss you and want to talk to you!
From: Augustus Waters <3

To: Augustus Waters <3
Of course love! I'll be over in 5 love you! <3
From: Hazel Grace <3

( of course we put each other under Augustus and Hazel, why wouldn't we? )

I quickly texted him back as I started my venture to his house from the park that I was at, which really wasn't to far away from where he lives. Looks like I'm going to get some answers, well at least I hope I do.

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