Chapter Twelve: Stunned and Speechless

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~Michael's P.O.V~

There were still tears welled up in my eyes and running down my cheeks as the ending credits of the movie started rolling down the screen and the lights started going back on. That really was the best movie ever. I looked down at Infinity, who leaned into me and started crying during the movie. "I can't believe what I just saw... it was s beautiful." She says, I can still hear some cries wanting to rack through her system, but yet she held them in. I kissed the top of her head cutely before pulling my lips a way a few seconds later. "Come on Hazel Grace, we've gotta get going." I said. I don't know why I called her Hazel. Maybe it's because in my eyes, she's as strong as Hazel, as independent as Hazel, and understanding as her. She looked up at me, her hazel eyes filled with tears and nodded her head. "Alright Gus, lets get going." She says and we get out of our seats and walk out of the theatre, throwing our trash away and then heading out to my car.
        Surprisingly she managed to kill her sourpatch kids and we both pretty much ate the entire bucket of popcorn. She definitely has a bigger appetite than most girls, but yet she doesn't even look like she tacks on any weight! I mean she's almost as skinny as Ciara and Ashley and they're like twigs! But yet I kind of like some curvy-in-my-cutie and she definitely has some curves. As we got to my car I instantly opened the door for her to get in and the close it behind her before going over to my side and getting in and quickly buckling myself and starting the car. "I fell like a part of me just dyed while watching that movie." She said with a small giggle to her voice as she sniffled a bit and rubbed her eyes. "I understand exactly what you mean, but yet at the same time I kind of feel like I went through both Hazel and Gus's battle with them and are as strong as Hazel and Gus now." I say with a small chuckle as I drive out of the cinemas parking lot and start heading back towards her house.
        " Me too Gus, me too." She says with a small smile as she looks over at me and I glance over at her, wanting to look at her, but yet you know I'm driving so I kind of have to keep my eyes planted on the road instead of her face, which even though there's some tried tear streams on her face she still looks adorable. After a moment I feel her hand on my knee and look down slightly, a soft smile coming onto my lips and a small chuckle ripped through my lips as I do so. I take one hand off of the steering wheel and put it with hers and hold her hand with mine. Infinity Sixx, you truly are something totally different, aren't you? You laugh at my terrible jokes and you can tolerate me when I flirt with other girls. You stay near me and enjoy my company, well at least I think you do, and you like me even though I can ruin your reputation with just a snap of my fingers. You're letting me in and trusting me... but you're still an idiot for doing that, I'm not going to lie though, you're so brave for doing so.
        The drive to her house didn't take very long and I was parking my car in her empty driveway within a matter of minutes. "So, where are your parents Hazel Grace?" I asks as we climb out of my car and follow her to her front door as she takes her keys out to unlock it. "Well, it's Tuesday, and usually on Tuesdays they have to go out late for their work and do the night shifts and come home at like nine tomorrow morning.. so if you want you could stay for a bit?" She asks as she opens her front door and I follow her inside before she closes it behind me. "I wouldn't mind that." I say before I walk over to her couch and sit down on it, of course she instantly joins me and sits down next to me, wrapping her arm around my torso and cuddles herself into my side as I wrap my arm around her shoulder like I had done while we were at the movies.
        I looked down at her, taking in how she was comfortably curled up and cuddled herself into me, of course cuddling wasn't really new to me at all, I mean I love cuddles! Cuddles are the shit after all, but yet there was something about her cuddles that were just different from all the other girls, and I don't mean that fact that we didn't have sex before cuddling because usually that's what happened with everyone else, but yet the way that she curled herself up and didn't even care about how close she was to me was pretty great. Her hazel eyes flickered up to me and her lips curled into a soft smile. God her smile is gorgeous and her eyes are just... wow, I could stare into them all day, which was pretty much what I was doing right now. As I stared at her I felt myself moving slightly, but I didn't pay much attention to it until I noticed just exactly what I was doing. I was leaning in to kiss her and she wasn't even stopping me

~ Infinity's P.O.V~

I couldn't help to look into his eyes as he looked directly back into mine, and even though we both have the same eye color his eyes just have this beautiful spark in them. A spark that just seems so lively, so beautiful, that you can't help but to just look and stare for a while, which is pretty much what they were doing, but yet as I couldn't to look into his eyes I started to notice him moving closer to me, well just his facial area at least. Is he actually leaning in to kiss me? I think to myself, but judging from how his lips kept on getting closer to mine my thoughts were confirmed. I felt butterflies quickly swirling up into my stomach, but with how nervous I was feeling they instantly turned into bees. flying quickly around the pit of my stomach.
        How am I even supposed to kiss him? I've never even had my real kiss before! Yeah, I know, I know, I'm seventeen I should've already had my first kiss by now right? Well I haven't, so if I do... sorry when I do kiss him it will be my first. Slowly his lips finally lean down to the point where they're brushing mine and he pauses for a moment. Is he thinking about this? Does he not want to kiss me? The thought of that sent a small ping of pain to my heart. Even though I've never kissed anyone before, doesn't mean I don't want to, and if I had to pick anyone in this world to have my first kiss with, I would want it to be him. I took in a deep breathe before I closed my eyes and then planted my lips against his. Surprisingly after a few moments he actually kissed me back! Wow, his lips felt so soft, and as our lips moved together I felt this weird spark, like electricity was surging through me . Is this how a first kiss is supposed to feel? Or is this just how kisses feel in general.
        After a few more seconds I slowly pull my lips away from his, my hazel eyes fluttering open to see him looking at me with a small, sweet smile, and a...loving look in his eyes? Well, that's something I never expected to see from him. "That" He mumbles and I couldn't help but to nod my head in agreement. "Y-Yeah... you're a really good kisser." I said as I looked down a bit slight embarrassed but he just nods his head. "Thanks... you're pretty good to." He said, which made me feel so relieved since it meant my first kiss didn't go absolutely terrible. "Anyways, I gotta get going. Thanks for tonight fruit punch." He says as he starts to get up, but quickly pecks my lips first. "See you tomorrow." He says with a wink before he finally gets off of the couch and walks out the front door, leaving me stunned, speechless, and smiling widely on my couch.

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