Chapter Four: Tell us more

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        The rest of the school day just seemed to roll by without any breaks, nor hesitations. Turns out I actually have some classes with both Ciara and Ashley, which just justifies the fact that they're both in my grade, or year at school, which makes me feel kind of better, since that also kind of means that I made some new friends right? I even had some class with...that's right, you guessed it! Michael! I can kind of see why Ash and Ciwi aren't really fond of him that much. He's a little disruptive in class, yeah, but personally I think that's great since that just means that the teacher can just lecture the whole time and we dont have to get any work done.

        He also seems like a pretty big flirt, even though I would kind of suspect that from horny and hormonal teenage boys, but yet he's not the usual sly guy, who pretty much tells you all of those sweet nothings and makes you feel like you're the only one for him just to get into your pants. No, Mciahel's worse than that, he's more inappropriate, or in other words he's more graphic than most. I mean seriously, I saw him running his hand up one girls thigh while we were in algebra! Hey, you know what they say, there's no better time to get hot and heavy than when you're in your math class, working on the quadratic formula.

        Anyways, the rest of the day went by smoothly, I made some other friends, but yet so far Ciara and Ashley have been the most friendliest and more accepting people that I've meet here. I let out a small laugh as I looked over at Ashley as her, me, and Ciara we're all walking down the side walk, turns out Ciara actually lives right down the street from me, and Ashley lives on the street before us, but I've been told that Ash spends so much time at Ciara's that she pretty much lives there. Right now, we were all heading to Ciara's house and Ash was telling me this story of how one time one of Ciara's chickens just start chasing her around the backyard after Ashley tried to like hit it with a shovel or something.        

        "I swear, I've never ran that fast in my life! And all Ciara did was sit back and film me while laughing!" Ashley said as we all walked up Ciara's front porch steps before she pushed her front door open and we all walked inside, immediately my eyes started glancing around, taking in all the pictures that hung up on the walls and my surroundings. Her home was actually pretty friendly, I wasn't going to lie about that, in fact I felt pretty comfortable here, which is a little surprising, considering after all I've never been here before ( which I'm sure is kind of obvious)

        "So, how did you like your first day Finn?" Ciara asks as she leads both me and Ashley upstairs to her bedroom. See, you can already tell they're warming up to me, I mean after all they gave me a new nickname, considering Ash said that my name was a bit of a mouth-full to say, so now I'm Finn.

     "It was pretty cool I guess, except for lunch, I kind of ran into a few boys." I said with a small shrug of my shoulders as we all walked into her room and they both immediately collapsed onto Ciara's bed.

        "Come child, sit with us and speak." Ciara said playfully as I giggled a bit and set my backpack down before I joined the two of them on her bed.

      "Well, they were cool I guess... One of them even invited me to his party tonight." I said with a small shrug of my shoulders as I heard 'Ooo's ' coming from both of the giggles.

      "Tell us more! Who were the guys, anyways?" Ashley asks as she pikes my cheek, causing me to roll my eyes a bit.

      "I believe their names were Luke, Calum and-"

      "-and Michael." Ciara cut me off before i could finish speaking, but I just nodded my head. Ashley let out a small sigh as she shakes her head a bit while Ciara has a small frown playing at her lips. Really, why do they seem to dislike Michael so much? I mean, I know he seems to be a bit of a ... pervert, but come on? Aren't most guys?

        "Can I ask the two of you something? Why do you two dislike him so much?" I queston, looking from Ashley, to Ciara, and then back to Ash again.

      "Well... It's kind of a long story... but to cut it short, we hate him because he dated me for a while before I found hiom cheating on me with some Sophomore who I dont remember the name of..." Ciara explains as her brown eyes start to become a little glassy.

      Now I can see why they don't like him, I mean I wouldn't really like the guy who did that to me, too. "O-Oh... Well.. I'm sorry for asking about that."I rubbed the back of my neck a bit.

      "Nah, it's fine, I'm over it... even though it took a while, I'm okay now." Ciara shrugs her shoulders before both me and Ashley instantly wrap our arms around Ciara and give her a small group hug.

      "Well still, I probably shouldn't have bugged you about him." I spoke softly before pulling out of the hug

        " No it's fine Finn, but the worse part is Ciwi isn't the only girl he's done it too... he's done it to multiple actually." Ash says with a small roll of her eyes, but then I see a small spark glow in both Ash's green eyes and Ciara's chocolate brown ones. Uh-oh... what are they thinking?

      "So... how about we get ready for that party huh?" Ashley asks with a smirk as she gets up off of Ciara's bed, Ciara following straight after.

      "Wait, do you guys really want to go? I mean, it's Michael's party after all." I said. I mean if they want to go than that's absolutely fine, but I mean it's at Michael's house and judging from their disliking of him, am I really sure that I actually want to take them? Or let them go?

        "Of course we do! We would never miss a chance to par-tay." Ash squeals as she actually starts going through Ciara's closet and starts throwing dresses onto her bed for which I'm still sitting on. I move my hand up to catch a blue dress that comes towards my head and then instantly set it onto the bed. Wow, I'm actually noticing that people really like throwing things at my head.

      "There's just one problem though.." Ciara says before she picks up one of these dresses on the bed. My eyes actually kind of lit up as I saw it. It was a simple dark purple dress, that probably went down to about mid-thigh and was strapless, but yet didn't seem like it would reveal too much. "...We need to get you all party ready." Ciara said with a smirk before Ashley grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

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