Chapter One: Paper Air planes

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My shoes made squeaking noises against the white tile floor as i made my way through the not-so-crowded school hallway, my blonde hair piled high on top of my head in a messy bun, one hand placed in my white short pockets that went along with my All Time Low t-shirt while the other was holding my school schedule that had my locker number and combination code on it. Today is my first day at my new high school in Australia, and as you can tell I'm actually pretty excited, I mean back in America i wouldn't even bother to put on some shorts, i would just show up in sweats and a t-shirt and that's it. Anyways, like I said it's my first day... as a junior. Yup, what fun it must be to transfer all the way to a new country and try to finish up my junior year, right? Yeah, I left behind some good friends, but I'm looking at this like it's a fresh new start... a fresh new start that I desperately need.

My hazel eyes looked down at my schedule and looked to see what locker would be mine. "Locker 65B... where are you?" I mumble as I look up from the paper and start looking aroun hoping to find the locker somewhere around this area, since it would be okay, I think, to have a locker near the schools entrance, makes it easier in the morning and leaving school. I sighed a bit as I looked down at my schedule, hoping i read it correctly. "Yo! Heads up!" A voice shouts to me.

"What?" I question and look up from my schedule to see a paper air plane whirling towards my head and I instantly cover my face with my schedule. "Wow, sorry about that mate, didnt see you there." A female voice says and I take my paper away from my face. "Huh? Oh no, it's completely okay." I say, of course my normal english accent sounding boring and dull against hers. I looked the girl over a bit. She had blond hair like mine, excpet her hair looked natural as for mine as been dyed more times than I can count, Her eyes where framed by a cute pair of glasses, but yet even with the glasses on I could see the spark of life her green eyes held. Her smile was warm and kind, and hell pretty adorable with her braces on, but never mind that. "Ashley!!" Another girl yells as she comes running over to us. She's taller than both me and Ash, but yet even with her tallness I could still see her kind chocolate brown eyes and her warm smile. " Hey Ciwi!" Ashley says before hugging the girl and i just stand there, awkwardly.

As they pull apart both of them tourn back towards me, the smiles still on their faces. "Wait, you're that new American transfer student right?" The tall girl asks and I nod my head, a small smile on my face. "Yeah, that's me. The names Infinity, it's nice to me you Ashley and Ciwi?" I question, earning giggles from both the girls. "It's nice to meet you, and nope my names Ciara." The girl clarifies and i let out a small 'Oh' "Anyways, I was wondering, do you guys happen to kno wwhere locker 65B is?" I ask, but then the two girls just frown a bit and glance at each other. "Yeah, we do, come on..." Ciara says. "Let's hope Michael isnt near by..." Ashley says as she takes my hand and starts pulling me along with her and Ciara.

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