Chapter 2: Heading to lunch

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To my dismay when we got to my locker that morning, that Michael kid wasn't near bye, which seemed to make Ciara and Ashley more relaxed, which is what I found a little odd. What's wrong with this Michael guy? Is he that weird kid that no one wants to be around? Is he the school bully that everyone knows to stay away from? In reality I have no idea who this kid is, or what he's like, but judging from how they acted, do I really want to find out?

I sighed a bit as i played with my yellow number two pencil in between my fingers as I glanced up at the clock. God, history is such a bore, even here in Australia I can barely stand it, and right now the teacher Mrs. Hatzburger just seems to want to lecture on and on about whatever topic she's teaching, truth be told I don't even know what she's going on about because I'm barely even paying attention. "Alright class, for homework tonight you have to read pages 455-460 and answer the questions that follow. " Mrs. Hatzburger says right as the bell rings and I quickly gather up all of my things and pretty much bolt out of that classroom.

"Worse class ever!..."I whisper yell to myself as I make my way through the hallways and back over to my locker, but as I near it, I raise my eyebrow up a bit, seeing a group of boys huddled around it. I just shrugged it off, thinking that it was just the people who had lockers near mine and quickly went over and started putting in my combination and popped my locker open.

"Have you seen that new American transfer student? I swear I'd tap that a hundred times over." A deep male voice exclaimed, I could just hear hear the smirk in his voice, and couldn't help but to feel some heat rise to my cheeks as I realize it was coming from one of the boys crowding the locker next to mine.

"Is she really that hot?" Another voice asks as before a rally of "yes's" comes from the other boys. "Hmm.. Well I guess I'll just have to find her." He was probably grining cheekily as he spoke. Well why dont you just look to your right, you idiot, I think to myself as I grab my lunch and then slam my locker shut and start walking towards the cafeteria, but the funny part was right as I slammed my locker and started walking away the boy's chattering died down a bit and i felt like someones eyes were boring into my back.

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