Chapter 6 - The Earth Base

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A few hours later found the crew back in the Bridge. They were right at the edge of Earth-base's scanners. The crew of the Eridanus was getting ready to launch their plan of action. They were waiting as personal weapons were issued before infiltrating the base.

Scarlett, Benny, Sam, Rogue and Jon were standing around the main table, with Sam handing out strange looking weapons.

"Okay, these are classic blasters. Different to what we have trained with but the same principle. I get two and everyone else gets one. Scarlett and Benny, for the ship itself you guys have ten missiles and three nuclear warheads in our ship's arsenal. Please try to avoid firing those at our own base and our own ships. The rest of us who are boarding will take two detonators each – only to be used in an emergency as they are very loud and at least one electric knife in case the fighting gets to close quarters. Any questions?" Sam rattled off the list.

"Yes, why do you get two blasters?" Benny asked Sam, looking offended.

"Because he's the head of weapons and the best fighter in our year, let alone on this crew. Rogue answered slightly patronisingly. "Plus, he'll be going off alone so it makes sense."

Jon shook his head, "Okay, focus people. Everyone suit up. Remember the plan and good hunting."

They all muttered their understanding before they grabbed their weapons. Rogue manoeuvred them to the ship to the rear of the base, where the sensors were weaker, before handing off to Benny and Scarlett. They would be staying behind as part of the 'back-up rescue' phase of the plan. Sam, Jon and Rogue fastened their helmets and zipped up their suits. Rogue bit her lip, and took deep breaths. She saw Sam stripping his blaster and putting it back together with shaky hands. He was nervous. They all were.

They entered the airlock, taking deep breaths to control their fear. Here they go. Scarlett and Benny tried to give them encouraging smiles but they came out more like grimaces.

"Well, having courage is important." Rogue broke the tension and smiled.

"Well, this isn't courage, it's suicidal," Sam muttered, sounding much louder through the comms link.

Rogue smiled, "So you can tell I came up with this bit of the plan." She snapped on her mask and the others followed suit even as Sam turned to glare at her. Jon gave Scarlett the signal and a massive force pulled them out of the ship as the airlock opened and they tumbled into space. The gravitational pull of the base grabbed them and pulled them down. It was one of the worst things Rogue had ever experienced, and considering everything that had already happened that was saying something. Rogue pulled her arms into her chest and plummeted towards the airlock, she grabbed on and swung herself out of the way, to allow room for Sam and Jon. Sam tried to grab on, but slipped, for a second Rogue thought it was over, but Jon managed to grab his wrist and pull him back.

"Get the airlock open," Jon ordered through the comms link, he was breathing hard, hoping they had enough oxygen in their tanks. Rogue ripped the panel covering off, and began fiddling with wires to let them in.

"Yes!" Rogue sighed in relief as the airlock opened and they swung through holding onto the handles inside. Rogue pressed the button to close the airlock and waited for the familiar beeping that signalled that there was enough oxygen once again.

"We are never doing that again," Jon muttered, removing his helmet and stripping off his spacesuit. They followed his lead and stuffed them into a locker so they wouldn't be spotted.

"What's the chance that they didn't notice the airlock opening?" Sam asked hopefully.

Rogue and Jon turned to stare at him, prompting him, "So, we need to move now?"

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