Jacobs coming home

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*Haleys POV*

As soon as the doctor said that Jacob could go home we started packing his stuff. 

"Mummy." Jacob said. 

We all stopped what we were doing and paid attention to Jacob. 

"Yeah buddy." I said. 

"Can I lay down in yours and daddys bed when we get home? I wanna cuddle." He asked. 

"I don't see a problem with it. What about you babe?" I asked looking at Logan. 

"That's fine. I can drop you guys off at the house and take Aubrey with me. I need to pick up stuff for the house." Logan said. 

"Ice cream too?" Jacob asked. 

"Yeah." Logan said.

"Kay lets do that mummy." Jacob said. 

I giggled. 

"Wait no daddy." Jacob said.

"What's wrong bud?" Logan asked. 

"You can't leave and take Aubey with you." Jacob said. 

"We'll be back. You'll be okay bud." Logan said. 

"Promise. You left to play football." Jacob said on the verge of tears. 

"Buddy with you being sick there's no way I'd leave to play football. You, your mum and Aubrey all come before that." Logan said. 

"Promise you'll come home?" Jacob asked. 

"I promise." Logan said. 

Jacob nodded his head. 

Logan bit his lip trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. 

"Dustin can you watch Aubrey for a minute?" I asked. 

"Yeah." He said. 

'Come on babe." I sighed walking over to Logan. 

I held out my hand which he took and led him out of the room. Thats when he lost it. 

"He thinks I'd leave you guys." Logan sobbed into my shirt.

I sighed and hugged him. 

"He hates me." He cried. 

"He could never hate you." I said looking up at Logan.

"He has to. I'd hate myself too if I left." He said. 

I groaned and took his hand leading him back into the room. 

"Jacob. Baby can you listen to mummy for a minute and then you can play with your toy again." I said. 

"Kay mummy." He said dropping his toy and giving me his full attention. 

"Do you love daddy?" I asked. 

"Duh mummy that's a silly question." Jacob said. 

"See babe he doesn't hate you." I said looking at Logan. 

"You're right. Sorry. I just hate leaving you guys." Logan said. 

"Mummy? Daddy?" Jacob asked. 

"Yeah?" We asked. 

"Talk later. Leave Now." He said. 

The rest of the family bursted out laughing. 

"Wait?" Jacob said. "Where's Auntie Autumn? She promised she would be here when I leave."

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