Birthing Plans

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*Haley's POV*

I'm now two months. My bump has been getting bigger everyday. Jacob stayed with Autumn last night so I could have a talk with mum, dad, Logan and Harry. So now we are sitting in the living room.

"What did you need to talk to us about that was so important?" Asked dad.

"Birthing plans." I said.

"Why now?" Asked dad.

"The doctor has been asking." I said.

"Okay well what are you thinking?" Asked mum.

"Well I want to be comfortable. And the hospital was no where near comfortable. I was thinking about a home birth." I said.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked.

"Yeah I mean I'm the one that's going to be going into labor and I want to be comfortable." I said.

"What about Jacob like where is he going to stay while your in labor?" Asked Harry.

"Autumns so he will have someone to play with." I said.

"Well other than being comfortable why do you want to have a home birth?" Asked dad.

"Well I mean you adults like to stop by to see how I'm doing during labor and we wouldn't have to go by the hospital rules because there's no for sure time of the baby coming." I said.

"Sounds reasonable." Said mum.

"What do you think babe?" I asked considering he's been quiet.

He looked down at me. "Well I mean you are the one whose going to be in labor but you know that if you do the home birth there is no pain medication."

"I know." I said.

"So home birth it is then." Said Logan.

Just then I felt a kick. I smiled and took Logans hand.

"Babe what are you doing?" Asked Logan.

"You'll see in just a minute." I said.

I placed his hand on my stomach. He watched what I was doing. There was another kick but in a different spot. I furrowed my eyebrows. I moved his hand and put it where the last kick was.

He looked up and smiled. "That is still amazing."

"I know I'm never going to get used to this." I said.

"How does it feel?" Logan asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"To have a baby kick your insides?" Asked Logan.

Dad and Harry looked over wanting to know also.

"At first it was weird but cool at the same time. I mean yeah I have times where I can't sleep at night because of the baby kicking. But that happens during the last part of my pregnancy when I'm big." I said.

They all nodded their heads.

"Unless you're pregnant with twins then you aren't sleeping much past the fourth month." Said mum.

"I can't even imagine being pregnant with twins." I said.

"Well you better it runs on your fathers side." Said mum.

I laid my head on Logans chest.

"Hey babe Dustin and Autumn are keeping Jacob again." Said Logan.

"Why?" I asked.

"You'll figure that out later." He laughed.

"But I miss him." I said.

"He'll be back tomorrow babe. You need to relax and you haven't been that's what you'll be doing tonight." Said Logan.

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