The Easter Bunny Came!

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*Haleys POV* 

Me and Logan were peacefully sleeping well considering Aubrey woke us up about six or seven times last night. Oh well who could blame her she's now only three days old. I heard the door to our room open. 

"Mummy, daddy! Wake up! The easter bunny came!" Jacob yelled jumping up and down on the bed. 

"Shh bud your sister is sleeping." Said Logan as he sat up. 

"Oh sorry." Said Jacob. 

"It's okay bub." I said sitting up. 

"can we go wake her?" Jacob asked. 

"No no silly. What about mummy go gets her while me and you go downstairs." Said Logan. 

"Sounds like a plan." I said. 

We got out of bed. Logan tackled Jacob playfully on the bed. 

"D-d-daddy!" Jacob laughed. 

I shook my head and walked out of the room and went into the nursery picking up Aubrey. I cradled her. I guess she realized I picked her up because she squirmed around getting comfortable. I then grabbed her blanket and binky and then made my way downstairs. 

"Bout time mumma." Jacob Said.

"Sit. I want to take a picture of you and Aubrey with your easter stuff so I can send it to grandads and Nana." I said.

Jacob got up and sat on the couch. I put Aubrey on his lap. All the easter stuff was surrounding them. I took a step back and snapped a picture and sent it to mum, dad, and Harry. I then picked up Aubrey so Jacob can get his easter stuff.

"Hey dad wants all of us to come over for easter." Logan said looking up from his phone.

"Sounds good." I said.

"What do you think about going to grandads?" Logan asked Jacob.

"We can go." Jacob said.

Logan chuckled.

"What time?" I asked.

Logan looked up from watching Jacob. "Uh in a hour."

"Cool. You get Jacob ready and I'll get Aubrey?" I asked.

"Sounds good." Said Logan.

"Can you get her diaper bag ready though?" I asked.

"Yeah." Said Logan.

I nodded my head. I got up and walked upstairs into mine and Logans room. I got out a jean skirt with a baby blue tank top and a jean jacket. I laid Aubrey down on the bed so I could get dressed. Once I was done getting dressed Aubrey started crying.

"What's the matter Aubrey?" I asked as I picked her up knowing she wouldn't talk back.

She then stopped crying and it turned into soft whimpers letting me know she was for sure hungry. I sighed and sat down on the bed and breast fed her.

"Daddy! Aubeys eating mummies boob!" Jacob yelled as he slammed the door to my room shut.

"Its milk for the baby weirdo. Now go get dressed I sat your clothes on your bed." Logan chuckled.

Just then the door opened and Logan stepped in.

"He is such a Style's." I laughed.

Logan laughed as he walked over to our shared closet and picked out an outfit. 

Aubrey then detached herself from my nipple letting me know she was done eating.

"Thank you now mummy can finish getting ready." I said poking her stomach as I laid her down.

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