It hurts

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*Logans POV*

We decided to have everyone over today now that Aubrey is a week old. So we are all sitting and talking in the living room. 

"When is Aubrey's first appointment?" Lou asked. 

"Next week." Said Haley. 

"Oh. Has she been doing good?" Lou asked. 

"Yeah dad, she's fine." Haley sighed. 

"Just checking." Lou said. 

"I know. Sorry I am just so tired and haven't gotten any sleep since she was born." She said.

Lou nodded his head. Just then we heard Aubrey crying through the baby monitor. Haley groaned and got up going upstairs. 

"Hey baby. Calm down you're fine." Haley said through the monitor. We decided to listen in and see if what she does actually helps since I've been at practice.

*Haleys POV*

I picked Aubrey up cradling her. 

"You are so cute." I said kissing her head.

I walked over to the shelves Logan built in and picked up her baby book. I looked through it. 

"It's not much yet but it will be once you get older. Even your brother has one and it is almost filled but he's not a baby anymore." I said. 

 I looked down at Aubrey and saw her looking up at me with her blue eyes. 

"You're not going back to sleep are you? Not even a nap? Mummy could sure use one." I said. 

Aubrey laughed. 

"Not funny." I giggled. "Oh gosh. You need some socks your feet are freezing. Maybe even some heavier clothes."

I walked over to her dresser and picked out some pajamas for her. 

"I don't think we are going anywhere so we can put you in some pajamas because you are freezing. Why are you so cold?" I asked as I laid her down on the changing table. 

I got her dressed and then put a beanie on her little head.  I looked over and saw her window open. 

"You could get sick from that. Who opened your window?" I said walking over to the window and shutting it while locking it.

Aubrey then started crying again. I sighed and walked back over to her bringing her into my arms and gently rocked her. 

"Shh you're okay. All I did was shut your window so it won't stay cold in here." I said. 

She still cried.

"Please stop crying. You're okay I promise. Here let's go downstairs." I said as I walked over and grabbed her blanket and binky. Then made my way downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and got the bottle out of the fridge. I heated it up and then went back into the living room. I sat down and started to feed her. 

'Oww." Darcy groaned. 

"What's wrong Darce?" Logan asked. 

"I don't know I-" She said before another strike of pain hit her. "It hurts really bad." 

"Where at?" Perrie asked. 

"Like right around here." Darcy said rubbing the bottom part f her stomach. 

"Where's Gage?" Asked Dustin. 

"School. And we know he is this time." Zayn said. 

"Babe can you take Aubrey?" I asked. 

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