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*Darcys POV*

I woke up to the sound of Aubrey crying again. I love her but oh my god. I'm pregnant and trying to get some sleep. Rolling out of bed realizing that there was no way I was going back to sleep. I got up and got dressed for today. I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch with my phone in my hand. I looked through twitter and stopped once I saw a picture of Gage with a red head kissing. 

"Hey Darcy." logan said as he sat down on the other couch with Aubrey in his arms. 

"Hey." I sighed. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"Should I be? I'm five months pregnant and my fucking boyfriend cheated on me." I said. 

"What?!" He asked. 

"Yeah, I'm not kidding there is a picture on twitter." I said. 

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Darcy you don't deserve that." Logan said. 

"I know. Do you think that he'd be up right now?" I asked. 

"It is noon so yeah." He said. 

"Well I'm going over to their house and having a talk with him." I said getting up. 

"Okay. Good luck you can take my car." He said. 

"Thanks bro." I said taking his keys. 

I walked out of the house and into Logans car. I sighed and started the car driving to Gage's house. Onnce I pulled in I got out of the car and locked it walking u to their door. I knocked on the door. 

"Oh hey Darcy! How are you?" Perrie asked as she answered the door. 

"Eh could be better." I said. 

"Wanna come in and talk about it? Me and Zayn were getting ready to have tea anyways." She said. 

"I'd love that." I said. 

"Well come on in." She said. 

I walked in and followed her through the house and into the kitchen. 

"Oh hey Darcy, how are you feeling?" Zayn asked. 

"I could be a lot better." I said. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"It'd be better if I showed you." I sighed getting out my phone and finding the picture. 

Once I found the picture I handed my phone to Zayn. 

"You have got to be kidding me. He told me he was going to watch Dustin practice." Zayn said. 

"He told me the same thing." I sighed. 

"What are you two talking about?" Perrie asked handing me a cup of tea.

"Thanks." I said. 

"Gage cheated on Darcy." Said Zayn as he handed Perrie my phone. 

"Oh my god. GAGE MALIK COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!" Perrie yelled. 

"What mum?" Gage asked. 

"Why did you cheat on your girlfriend! She's five months pregnant with your child!" Perrie asked. 

"Shit uhm mum I don't know okay?" gage said, 

"Son you need to pul your act together. You can't be cheating at all. and definitely not while you have a kid on the way." Zayn said. 

"So you both are taking her side." He said. 

"It's not about taking sides Gage." I said. 

 "Then what is it?" Gage asked folding his arms. 

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