Will you still love me even if I'm sick?

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*Haley's POV*

"Parents of Jacob Styles." A nurse said. 

Me and Logan looked at each other and then walked over. 

"Is he okay?" I asked. 

"I'm afraid not mam. He has this disease called Intussusception. It's a good thing you brought him when you did. This disease is where part of your intestine folds over another intestine and causes a blockage. The blockage causes the food and waste to not properly flow through like it should which is also making him throw it all up which is also blood in his case." She said. 

I sobbed. Logan pulled me into a hug kissing my head. 

"Can we go see him?" Logan asked. 

"Yeah of course his room is on the kids level which is two stories up. And his room number is 501." She said. 

"Wait kids level? Does he have to stay here?" I asked. 

"I'm so sorry, but it's the only way to get him all the way better. This is life threatening for his age." She said. 

I nodded my head. 

"Hey guys come on. He's two floors up." Logan said. 

"The whole family walked with us. We all got into the elevator. 

"God I'm such a horrible mum. I can't believe this is happening to him." I cried. 

"Hey you are not a horrible mum. No one saw this coming. All we can do is be here for him." Logan said. 

"Why him out of all people him?" I asked. 

"I don't know." Logan said. 

The elevator then stopped. We got out. 

"No! I want my mummy!" We heard Jacob scream. 

Me and Logan looked at each other. Logan handed Aubrey to Chance since he was the closest one and then took my hand in his. We ran down the hall looking for Jacobs room. 

"Ouch. Stop it please." He whimpered. 

We stopped in front of the room. 

"What's going on?" Logan asked as we walked in.

"Daddy?" Jacob asked. 

"Yeah I'm right here bud. I'm not going anywhere." Logan said. 

"I missed you." Jacob said.

"I missed you too buddy." Logan sighed hugging him.

"Can you please tell me what you are doing to him?" I asked.

"He needs an IV but I can't get him to sit down. He's running a high fever and won't calm down." The nurse sighed.

"Hey buddy will you sit down now that me and mummy are here?" Logan asked.

Jacob looked at me and the back to Logan. He sighed and nodded his head. I star down on the bed beside Jacob. The nurse came over and got ready.

"Hey bud what did you and mummy do while I was gone?" Logan asked as he watched the nurse.

"Uhm me and Aubrey slept in yours and mummy's bed. We went to the park with Kylie. Uhm and we stayed at grandads last night." Jacob said. He flinched as the needle was put in his arm.

"Okay we'll be back." The nurse said.

"Mummy and daddy what's wrong with me. The doctor said I could die." Jacob said.

Me and Logan looked at each other and then to the family who was now behind us watching.

"I don't want to. I supposed to be Aubrey's big bruder." Jacob said.

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