7.- Unpleasent Visit

Start from the beginning

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of my phone going off once more, meaning that another message was sent.

I felt a wet senses on my cheeks as I rise my hand over my face, touched it, backed my hand away, enough for me to see, which only caused my eyes to widen.


I was crying without notice.

I then used my robe sleeves to eliminate the tears and turned back to my phone to check on the new messages.

2 new messages from unknown number

It read and I raised an eyebrow, confused on who this person might be.

I pressed on the password, unlocking my phone, entered to message, opened it and reed the two new messages.

(First message)

To: Furuta Tsuki
From: Unknown number

Its been years since I haven't seen you, Tsuki.

It began and I got more curious but continued reading.

Its a wonderful surprise that I finally got a chance on see you again, I've misses you so much...
My cutie~

Suddenly, with only those two words, my eyes shoot wide, knowing too well, who this message belongs to.

"How did he got this number?" I mumbled to myself, but as if my brain could insult me, it would properly say to me.

You idiot!

I opened the next message.

(Second message)

I found you, my cutie~

In that, the sound of the doors knocking, made my whole body shiver in terror, my legs didn't had any movements at all, sweat crawls down the side of my head.

He found me...

But then, I just remembered that Hyden is still here.

That man might eliminate him, no matter is he's human, animal or.... A vampire.

"Hyden!" I called out for him with fear in my tone.

Luckily, that fox quickly appeared in front of me in a blink of an eye.

Wait, he can teleport...? Why on earth didn't he use that to get us out from that building but get us out from the damn roof?!?!

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