Q & A

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Welcome to Elizabethjane39's Q & A! Please, take a seat and enjoy....

*How old are you?  Old enough 😂

*Favorite activity? Probably farming, mostly cattle farming to be exact!

*Favorite colour?   Definitely a morning sky purple 💜

*Favorite book?    Ummm, this is actually really hard... Maybe "Love her wild" by Atticus

*Favorite book series?  "Throne of Glass" (Rowan is my actual soulmate...)

*Favorite TV show? 'Supernatural' (Deans girl, gimme pie!)

*Where do you go to write? MANY PLACES!!! From my bedroom, to the kitchen, to even my living room... Oh wait. Just my house, ooops!

*Where do you live?   Places

*Do you like writing?  Yes and no. No, because sometimes I lose sight of my book and get VERY BAD writers block. Sorry! And of course, HELL YEAH! Writing is the only way I express things and I have lots of thoughts, so this kinda keeps me sane.

*How much do you write? ALL THE DAMN TIME! Maybe not on this book, but I write poetry, stories on Google drive, journaling, side stories... Ugg, I could keep goin'!

*How many stories do you write at a time? Well right now, four stories. Another werewolf fic, that will be WAY better written, a fantasy book about the fae, then a couple more!

*Did you base Jace off anyone you knew? Actually no, I just sorta made him up.

*How will this book end? A little sad.... Whoops!

*Can I send in a cover? Where at? YES!!!! You may send in a cover, and if you do, please send it to: elizabethjane039 at Gmail.com (It won't let me enter the at sign!) or if you can, DM me!

That's all for now! A chapter will be posted TODAY! (About time... Yes I know!)

Have an amazing day raindrops! Love ya'!

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