Eleven // Broken Pieces.

Start from the beginning

"Uh yeah about a week ago." I answer making my way in to the living room. Calum follows after me and I instantly feel my stomach tighten. I didn't know why I was so nervous to finally have this talk with him. It had been something I knew we needed to do for a little while but now that it was finally here, I was freaking out just a little bit, whereas Calum seemed as cool as a cucumber.

"It looks good," Calum mumbles awkwardly as we take a seat on one of the couches. "Seems a lot more roomy." 

"Well that was kind of the point of taking that wall down," I say with a grin and Calum lets out a small chuckle. 

"Right," Calum says shaking his head at himself. "I'm sorry, I'm just making weird small talk." He admits and it makes me feel more at ease knowing that he's probably freaking out just a little bit, Calum had always been pretty good at masking how he was really feeling so I was glad that for this moment, he had decided to take the mask off. 

"You're fine," I assure him. "I get it." I say looking down at my hands that were currently resting in my lap. "I'm sorry again for having to leave for a few days but I needed that time to think and I'm so thankful that you let me have it." 

"It's not a big deal Ev, I mean....I would of wanted to speak with you sooner but that's just me being selfish." Calum shrugs casually and I can't help but smile at him. I had really forgotten just how understanding Calum could be when he wanted to be, and it was something I had missed a lot, I just never really noticed how much until now. 

"I thought a lot about you and us over the last couple of days," I pause letting out a breath. "We both know that we've had a complicated relationship..." I say and Calum lets out a snort. 

"Sorry," Calum smiles. "I just...that's one way of describing it." 

"Right," I bite down on my bottom lip nervously. "Anyway, I don't know if I can ever really forget about you and Trinity but I think I can forgive." I admit and Calum looks surprised at my words. The cheating had completely blindsided me when it happened, Calum and I had been pretty solid from day one so when I found out what he had done, I really didn't understand and I don't think I ever would but maybe I didn't need to? We had minor issues in our relationship which was normal because no couple ever had a the perfect relationship, we had fights and disagreements and we also had to face long distance and being in the spotlight so everything was just that little bit more hard but when I thought about how good Calum and I were, I knew that all the hardships were worth it. 

"I don't know when or how our relationship fell apart Calum but I know it didn't just happen after Trinity, we had issues and maybe we thought we did a good job at dealing with them but I think we were kidding ourselves," I admit and Calum nods in response. It had taken me awhile to be able to admit that maybe I was at fault too when it came to the break up. I couldn't put all the blame on Calum because a relationship involved two people, and maybe the cheating was the final straw and what properly broke us but I think a part of us was already broken to begin with. 

"I love you so much, I never stopped you know? And it killed me that we ended how we did and I wish we could go back in time and change it all but we can't. We only have now and I don't know what's going to happen in the future or where we will end up but I think we owe it to ourselves and to each other to try again." It feels like the biggest weight has been lifted off my chest in this moment and although I know that If Calum and I are serious about trying again then it's going to be difficult but I was doing my best to push those thoughts away for now and just be happy about the fact that we've somehow found ourselves back here. 

"You're going to give me another chance?" Calum asks chewing on his bottom lip nervously. 

"No," I shake my head as I reach for his hands. "I'm giving us another chance." I smile at him and he looks lost for words as he blinks back at me. 

"God I love you Everly and I'm so so sorry for everything." Calum says sincerely and I know he really means it. 

"I know Cal and I am too." I drop his hands from mine before moving closer to him, only to wrap my arms around his neck. "I am too," I mumble as his hands instantly go around my waist and he pulls me in to his embrace. 
The feeling of being in his arms like this once again was something I couldn't put in to words. I knew that our reconciliation was going to be anything but easy but in this moment I didn't care, In this moment even if it was just for a few seconds, everything was good again. 

A/N: The original idea I had for The Fame Game has changed just a little but I think you'll definitely like the new direction. I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know your thoughts!! And you'll see more of what Evelum was like in the past through flashback chapters so make sure you keep an eye out for the chapters that will be marked Flashback :) 

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