Two // Live. (Flashback)

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A/N: In this Version of The Fame Game there will chapters throughout that are in the past so just look out for the dates that will be at the top of each chapters! I feel like doing chapters like this instead of flashbacks is a far better way to get to know both Everly and Calum and to also learn about their relationship, So I hope you enjoy!

7th June 2014 - Flashback Chapter!

They say you never forget your first concert and I for one knew I would never ever forget mine. I was twelve years old and was one of the biggest P!nk fans ever. I had been wanting to see her for years but my parents always claimed I was too young. I practically harassed my parents for concert tickets and eventually they gave in and for my twelfth birthday I got tickets to go and see the one and only P!nk. To this day it was one of the best nights of my life, I loved the idea that people from all walks of life could come together and share their love for a performer. I loved that everyone had their own different connection with every song and most of all I loved the freedom that came with going to a concert. You were free to love someone and not get judged for it because everyone else around you also loved that person you were free to sing along as loudly and horribly as you wanted and nobody even cared because they were doing the exact same thing.

Concerts were definitely one of my favourite things ever and from then on I always tried to attend as many as can. When I thought about it was kind of ironic that I would end up dating someone who's job description included performing for thousands of people on a daily.

"What time do they go on?!" Brooke asks her eyes shinning in delight as she looked around at all the other people in Wembley Stadium. Brooke Collins had practically been my best friend since the day we met on our first day of kindergarten, she was like the other sister I never had and I just adored her and was more then happy that she was here with me tonight.

"Uh.." I pause to check the time on my phone. "Like now." I tell her and she lets out a squeal. I'll admit I was bursting with excitement but I was also extremely nervous for some reason. I had only been dating Calum for a couple of months and things were still pretty new, so the fact that I was attending my first Five Seconds of Summer concert was kind of a big deal and had me feeling a little on edge especially because none of the fans knew about us yet. I had already been asked for photos by a ton of fans and they all had mentioned that they thought it was so cool that I was in to their favourite band, I suppose they just didn't know how in to the bassist I was.

Calum and I had been careful so far, Our dates weren't exactly your average movies or dinner dates they were basically like secret missions and I was surprised that we had not been seen at all but like I said we had been careful, and although there were times I wished we could go on a 'normal' date I wouldn't change a thing about the last couple of months.

As soon as the lights dimmed the whole stadium was filled with screams and cheers, Mine and Brooke's included in the mix of course, I'll admit I was just a little bit of a fan, I mean the music was fantastic and all the boys were so love-able so what was not to like?

I didn't think it was possible but the screaming only got louder as the boys appeared on stage and as much as I hated to admit it I felt like a giggling school girl who was seeing her crush for the first time. It was such an odd feeling because I had spent so much time with Calum over the last couple of months and yes, I adored him and he made me feel nervous every now and then but I hadn't ever really felt like this before and I didn't really know what to make of it.

"I wish that I was eighteen..." Luke's melodic voice begun to sing but I was barely even paying attention because I couldn't take my eyes off of my boyfriend. I had never seen Calum on stage before and I was just stunned at how perfect he looked up there, he was in his comfort zone and just looked so at home that it made my heart want to burst.

"Your boyfriend is like a rock star." Brooke says to me and I can't stop the beaming smile from appearing on my face because she was right, he kind of was.

The rest of the boys opening act was almost like a blur because before I knew it Brooke and I were making our way backstage to meet up with the boys, I knew Brooke was a little disappointed that we weren't going to watch One Direction perform and I was too but the excitement that I had to see Calum blew the disappointment out of the water. I couldn't wait to tell him and the boys how amazing they were, I didn't know why but seeing Calum up on stage doing what he loved only made me fall for him more and all I really wanted to do was spend time with the boy who was slowly but surely stealing my heart.

"Just through there." The security Guard who had escorted us from the crowd to backstage points to a small hallway.

"Thank you!" I tell him appreciatively. He gives Brooke and I both a smile before turning to go back on his way. We make our way down the short hallway and stop outside the door that has a sign with '5sos dressing room' clearly printed on it. I bring my hand up to knock on the door but Brooke grabs my hand before I have the chance.

"What?" I frown at her not quite understanding why she just stopped me from knocking.

"Don't knock because then they will know we're coming and then we could miss out on catching them shirtless." Brooke tells me looking serious and I can't help but snort at her.

"Are you serious?"

"No." Brooke laughs shaking her head. "But I really wouldn't hate it if Ashton was topless in there." Brooke adds and I have to roll my eyes at her. Brooke was definitely one of a kind and I really wouldn't trade her for the world, As soon as I found fame in acting I had lost a lot of people who I thought were my friends but not Brooke, She has been there since day one and I loved that although my life had changed drastically that she didn't treat me any differently. I was just Everly to her and it was nice to have someone who saw me as just me, it was refreshing actually.

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