Eleven // Broken Pieces.

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A heart is a vital organ. It pumps your blood through your body,  and when your heart stops beating, then you're no longer alive.

I always found it fascinating that we as humans can continue to live even with a broken heart. I knew that a broken heart was an emotion, a feeling and not something physical but how did that explain the pain of a broken heart? I knew from experience that that ache never really went away, it was always there.

How crazy are we to give people the power to break out heart? We did it time and time again, whether it be through a romantic relationship or a friendship or even watching a sad movie that you know is going to break you heart just a little, we really were suckers for punishment. I guess the power of love was just a whole lot stronger than common sense.

Calum was not my first heartbreak and he would not be my last but he was the one person who I never thought would break my heart. I thought it would be safe with him, always and forever but I was wrong.

I had given him the power to break my heart and he did and even now I was still trying to put the pieces back together, so why did I currently find myself on my way back to him?

The last few days had been filled of thinking, so much thinking that at time I thought my brain might just explode, but they were worth it because I had finally made a decision about Calum and I. Now it was time to talk to him, to let him know what I wanted when it came to the future of us.

I was clearly one of those people whose common sense went out the window when it came to love because even after everything that Calum had put me through, even after he had broken my heart in the past, I was willing to give it back to him.

I was willing to put the pieces back together, if he wanted to help and I was honestly terrified.

My apartment in L.A. seemed so quiet today. For the last couple of months I had been having it renovated but now it was finally done and the quiet was almost unsettling.

L.A. was not my favourite place to be but it was a necessity for work for me so about a year ago I finally gave in and brought an apartment here. There were only so many hotels that I could stay at or friends that I could stay with. The apartment was a modern two bedroom place, it wasn't too big or too small and as much as I didn't want to admit, I was kind of in love with it.

The doorbell rings and it sounds louder than usual, almost making me jump in my spot. I already knew it would be Calum on the other side of that door and a part of me was excited to see him and finally talk to him while another part of me was absolutely terrified.

Mia was right when she said that I wasn't going to know what giving Calum a second chance would be like until I did it and the unknown was definitely something that was hard to jump in to.

My feet take me the door quicker than I anticipate and before I know it I'm taking a deep breath and reaching for the handle. 

"Hi Ev," Calum greets me with a quiet voice. A small smile finds it's way on to his lips and my heart instantly flutters at the sight. How was possible that the boy who broke my heart was also the boy who could make it flutter with just a simple smile? No one made me happier than Calum but nobody had ever hurt me as much as him either. 

"Hi," I shoot him a smile as I open the door wider and invite him in. 

"The renovations are finally done." Calum comments as his eyes look around the apartment. It had been a long time since the two of us had been here together and it was odd just how comfortable it felt for us to be back. When I had first brought the place I initially was going to ask Calum to move in with me, so that whenever we were both in L.A. at the same time we would have our own little place but things fell apart before I got the chance to ask him. 

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