Five // Realization

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A/N: Apologies for such a long time in between updates. I have been so beyond busy with life.However I am back now and I can't wait to continue rest of The Fame Game. Thank you for the continuous support and thank you for 4K reads! Also just so you know things will be picking after this chapter! There will a whole lot more of Calum and the boys, so just bare with me. And if you have any confusion about anything, don't worry because it will all be cleared up and everything will make perfect sense. In time you will know everything about Evelum and their relationship ;) 

The hardest thing about my profession is that I am completely and utterly open to constant scrutiny. People can comment on anything about my life from the roles I choose, the food I eat, the clothes I wear, the friends I keep and of course the people I date. I can't say that it doesn't affect me because that would be a lie. I do my best to not read about what anyone might be saying but sometimes it is almost impossible to not see a horrible comment. 

I think that Social media can be a very wonderful thing. It gives you a unique way of sharing with the world, and it provides a way of connecting with people from all walks of life but it also gives people an array of platforms to bash you on and that was something I couldn't stand about it, in fact I hated that part of Social media, but it was something that I had to deal with. 

I never wanted my personal life to be splashed over magazine covers or be in the first news article that popped up in the morning but unfortunately for me that was exactly the case and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. 

When my plane arrived in Florida I was so happy to finally be home. I couldn't wait to just have some downtime with the people who knew me best, the people who really didn't care that I was The Everly Harrington, most promising new actress of the year. My family and friends only saw me as Everly, they always had and always would. 

Life had other plans for me on this day though because as soon as my phone finally had service, all the happiness that I had for this trip was soon replaced with the feelings of dread, annoyance, stress and sadness. 

I had multiple missed calls, messages and emails from a whole list of people. My Instagram, Twitter and Facebook notifications were also going off like crazy which I was confused about. What could of possibly happened during the time that I was on the plane?

My eyes lock on to a text message from Krystal which was simply a link. I tap the link and wait with a frown on my face as the page loads. I'm taken straight to an article on the Daily Mail which is all about my lunch with Dylan earlier. The article makes it seem like it wasn't just a friendly catch up but a romantic lunch date, the article is also filled with tons of photos of Dylan and I looking very happy and close but in the worse possible way. It also has a report about how Calum and I have been struggling with our relationship over the last couple of months, and of course how I left the boys' album party early looking very upset.

Well that was certainly a P.R. nightmare for both Calum and I.  

Our camps and managers had been desperately trying to push Calum and I as this picture perfect couple but lately Calum and I had both been so busy that it had been extremely hard to push that image, I mean how could Evelum be a perfect couple when they never saw each other? People were already speculating about things not being great between us and this was only going to make things worse. 

I decide to get my bags and then make my way out of the airport as fast as possible. I wanted to avoid any other attention if I could and getting in and out of the airport as quickly as possible would be the best way to do that. 


"Everly where have you been? I've been calling and texting you like a mad woman!" Krystal basically yells as soon as she answers her phone. Once I was on my way to my parents house I decided to return her call, even though it was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. 

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