Nine // Truth be told.

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-Two Weeks Later-

A second chance use to be something that was so simple to me. Somebody makes a mistake, big or small , it doesn't really matter and you make the decision to forgive them, you make the decision to give them a second chance; Simple right? 

The funny thing though, is that nothing in life was ever really simple. Second chances were not simple even though it seemed like they were and that was something that I learned the hard way. 

I eventually got to the point where I stopped believing in second chances because at the end of the day if you give someone a second chance then you're most likely going to end up having to give them a third and then a fourth, and then eventually you realize there really is no point in second chances. 

It took me a little while to figure this out and unfortunately Calum was the person who taught me all about how you probably shouldn't give someone another chance because people didn't really change. Nine times out of ten the person who you gave the second chance to, is probably still the exact same person who made the mistake in the first place.

  Time after time, person after person, chance after chance and yet I somehow found myself still giving people the benefit of the doubt, even though I knew better. I no longer gave people chances but I still had hope.

Sometimes optimism was not a good thing.  

The last place I wanted to be right now was in L.A. but I had business to attend to and I could only do it here. The press tour had gone really well and it had also gone by really fast which I knew it would. The reviews for The Cure had all been really positive which made me proud. Everybody who worked on that film did a phenomenal job and I was glad that we had gotten the recognition that we all deserved. 

In a perfect world I would be on my way home to have a few days off, time to reflect, time to relax and time to myself but this wasn't a perfect world,In fact it was very far from it and so here I was back in L.A. and a part of me was dreading it. 

I was excited for the work meetings that I had planned just not the personal ones. I hadn't spoken to Calum in two weeks and I wanted to keep the no contact thing going but I had made a silly statement whilst doing an interview and I made things a mess once again, so our management had come together and we had to attend a very public evelum date. 

It was something I was definitely not looking forward to but considering we had to be on this stupid date because of my stupid mistake, I was forcing myself to go. 

I had arrived at the house that the boys were currently staying in whilst they were in L.A. and my stomach was beginning to churn. I didn't want to see Calum, I was perfectly happy with having no contact with him for the time being. I think the run in that I had with Trinity, had stirred up a whole lot of emotions that I didn't want to deal with and it made it a whole lot easier to avoid dealing with those feelings when I didn't have to spend time with Calum. 

I take a deep breath then let it out before I knock on the front door. The house seems quiet which is unusual considering the four boys that were currently living there. 

"Everly? Oh hey." Calum says after he's opened the door. He seems confused and surprised to see me. 

"Hey." I reply flatly. "Are you gonna invite me in?" I ask and Calum nods awkwardly before opening the door wider, allowing me to walk past him and in to the house. 

"So what are you doing here?" Calum asks me after  basically slamming the door shut.

"Evelum date." I answer as I take a look around. The house from where I was standing seemed nice. It was spacious and plenty of light was seeping in through the surrounding windows which there were a lot of. It was also really clean which surprised me because the boys could be quite messy.

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