Eight // Press Tour.

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28th October 2015.

When I had decided that I wanted to become an actress, I never thought about the sense of accomplishment that I would soon become accustomed to. I was totally in love with everything that came with being an actress, the entire acting craft was just like nothing I had ever experienced before and there was no better feeling when you got recognized for your hard work. You spend months of late nights and early mornings giving everything you have to a character and then when it's all said and done and you're able to share your work with the world, you want to people to like it. You want people to enjoy the character you have given yourself too and I was lucky enough to be able to experience that with majority of the films I had done.  

I just like everyone had my critics and there had definitely been times when people had not liked my work but the feeling I got when I read a great review and the sense of accomplishment that followed after one of my films was completed and ready for viewing, outweighed any negative comments or reviews I had ever gotten. 

It made being away from my family and friends worth it, hell It even made being in the harsh public eye worth it. 

"Everly are you ready to go?" Krystal asks coming back in to my room, she looked absolutely flustered tonight and I felt bad for her. I knew whenever I had a press tour she felt immense pressure because so much came down to her. Krystal had to practicality schedule all my interviews whilst also working in the premieres and travel in to the mix.

"Uhm?" I say before looking to Kelsey for an answer. Kelsey had been working her usual make up magic on me for the last hour or so while Tanya worked on my hair and I wasn't sure if they were completely finished. 

"A little bit of lippy and she's good to go." Kelsey tells Krystal who nods before focusing all her attention on her phone. "Someone seems stressed tonight." Kelsey mutters to me, making sure that Krystal doesn't hear. 

"Yeah just a little." I lightly laugh, I was sure things would get easier for Krystal after tonight was out of the way. The first night of the press tour was always one of the worst.  "Where did Dallas and Tanya get off to?" 

"I actually have no idea, I think Dallas said something about going to look for some wine." Kelsey tells me and I can't help but smile. Dallas was an absolute avid wine drinker and he could always find a good reason to have a glass or two. 

"I think my premiere is a good enough reason." I admit, In fact if Dallas was to come back with a bottle of wine then I would definitely be having a glass. I wasn't someone who usually drunk a lot, usually just for special occasions. 

"So how was your date with Calum the other day?" Kelsey asks and I can't help but notice my mood instantly flatten. 

"Uhm you know it was okay." I tell her casually. As much as I loved my glam team and as close as I was with them, they did not know about what was going on with Calum and I. They still thought we were very much a couple and that we were just currently going through a rough phase.

"Just okay?" Kelsey raises her eyebrows at me in surprise. I think she was a little use to hearing stories about the great romantic dates that Calum and I once use to go on. 

"Well I mean it was good but we got in to a fight so that kind of spoiled it." I tell her truthfully because that is basically what happened. The night had been going quite well until I made that stupid comment about cheating, The rest of the date mainly consisted of Calum and I playing a few games in complete silence before going back to the hotel room and then going to sleep. The next morning when I woke up he was already gone and I hadn't heard from him since. 

These days it wasn't unusual for Calum and I to not talk for periods of time but whenever he was upset or angry at me you really knew because he would blatantly ignore me. He liked to make me suffer which I absolutely hated him for. He did now and he did when we were together, I guess he just liked to be extra difficult at times.

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