Four // Paparazzi

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Calum's P.O.V

If you had told me that by the time I was nineteen I would have toured the world with my best friends and Made two incredible albums then I would of laughed and told you that you were insane.

People like me didn't get this far. I wasn't meant to be the guy who got to live out my wildest dreams but by some twist of fate, I was doing just that.

It still didn't seem real to me. People liked....hell they loved the music that I and the boys had written. Music that I had put my entire being in to and it was one of the best feelings in the world.

"Bye Cal! See you soon." I hear Bryana call out and as  I make eye contact with her she gives me a genuine smile before giving me a small wave.

"Bye Bryana, thanks for coming." I tell her as Ashton walks her to the door of the house that we were currently staying at. I didn't know If Michael and Luke were still asleep of even if they were here. All I knew was that apart from Ashton and Bryana, I was the only one up and I was actually enjoying the down time.

I loved the boys to death and all and I wouldn't want to change my current lifestyle but sometimes I just wanted time to myself. Time to reflect on this crazy ride that I was constantly on and time to just relax.

Wasn't it strange how you could want to feel lonely but not actually be lonely?

"Last night was insane!" Ashton beams proudly as he joins me in the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and takes a massive swig from it.

"It was pretty sick huh? I don't think I'll ever get sick of hearing people praise our music." I admit and Ashton nods in agreement. Practically everyone who was at the listening party told at least one of us how much they loved the new album and that in itself was rewarding. It was special to hear what people who were close to you had to say but it hearing what the fans had to say was on a whole another level, simply because of how passionate they were.

"Me either mate." Ashton says looking content. "So what did Everly think of it?" Ashton questions me and I feel myself instantly deflate.

"She didn't get the chance to hear it." I answer nonchalantly. The boys didn't really notice that Everly had left when she did and I was relieved. I didn't feel like explaining how much of an idiot I was to them last night.

"Uh why?" Ashton raises his eyebrows at me in both curiosity and confusion. Out of all the boys I hated talking to Ashton about Everly the most for two reasons;

1. Ashton was the oldest and so he was a little more knowledgeable than us and that meant that he always made me see things in a different way, usually the way I should of seen things in the beginning.

2. He always gave off that disappointed older brother vibe when he found out certain things and I hated it. I wanted to be the person that people  thought I was, I never wanted to let people down yet I seemed do that now more than ever.

"She kinda left early. She wasn't feeling well you know?" I lie and I feel stupid as soon as do because Ashton can always see through my bullshit.

"Okay well we know that's not true." Ashton rolls his eyes at me. "What happened?"

"We got in to a fight and she was upset so she left." I tell him giving him probably the shortest explanation that I could. I knew that as soon as Ashton and the boys found out what I had done they would be pissed at me. They all loved Everly and they didn't get why we couldn't or wouldn't fix things but things were a lot more complicated than they could ever understand.

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