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NOTE: This fanfiction takes place in the alternate storyline of the "School Mode" (Where they all escape without the school life of mutual killing.) So please imagine yourself in that situation) The story also takes place in Mondo's perspectve x3.

The fresh air swept through my hair as my surroundings flew past me in a blur of lights and sounds. The night air was humid yet cold on my skin as I rode down a straight path, A pale light reflected on the dark black of my Bike as the contrasting colour of the moon hung in the cloudless sky free of doubt.

"BRO SLOW DOWN!" A wail escaped from the passenger that sat behind me, I turned my head and grinned cheekily, the colour drained from Ishimaru's face, his crimson eyes now coloured a deeper shade.

"Relax bro, we've not even hit 100 yet" I hit the pedal harder and Ishi' grabbed my waist tighter. 

"You scared or somthin' bro?!" I yelled

"No! it's just..." Ishimaru whimpered behind me.

"It's just we're over the speed limit!" Ishimaru regained his confidence, even though he was scared I could see a faint flash of a smile across his face in the rear view mirror. I smiled back in reaction he furrowed his brows and turned his head blushing.


My wheels came to halt on the my empty street, I unstraddled my bike and held out my hand to Ishi' His legs wobbled as he got off the vehicle.

"Thank you..." Ishi' thanked quietly almost gasping for air.

"No probs' bro, anytime" I grinned at him and he once again regained his composure.


"Shut up! Geez bro I'm part of the Crazy Diamonds, you think i'd be caught by the police?" I replied smacking Ishi's head playfully. He looked down at the ground like a child and began to pout.

"Come on Bro!" i shouted and linked his arm in mine and pulled him to the doorstep of my apartment.

"Man it's been a long time since I saw this place" I sighed reminiscently while I walked joyfully through the place I called home, I glanced to the side and Ishi was smiling.

"Well this place... It has some unique qualities..." He said staring off into the distance. I led Ishi to the "den" everything had been left where I had left it, an unorganized pile of shit! I sat down on the blue couch in front of the TV.

"Yo bro..." I stopped halfway when I noticed a groove in the seat next to mine, Daiya's face flashed in my mind... Without a care he sat beside me destroying the groove Daiya had left from sitting here with me after many nights of mischief.

"So, you were saying?" Ishi broke the silence.

"..." I couldn't utter a word, I'm so pathetic...

"Ya' Know it's impolite to ignore guests" Ishi broke the silence again, this time smiling cheekily. I slapped him across the head playfully.

"Yeah well ya know the guest is supposed to have manners or whatever, so yeah!" I replied trying to be witty. He laughed in reply, His laughter made me smile, I tried to hide it but it made me blush.

"You're red as a lobster now" Ishi responded playfully while swinging his feet in and out of the crevice of the sofa.


An hour had passed and after some meaningless chit chat I decided to offer Ishi a drink, despite his request it to be non-alcoholic I couldn't help putting some vodka in his glass.

I made my way to where Ishi was sat, or was. He had now got up and was staring intently at a picture frame that hung on the wall, I set the drinks on the table.

"Yo! What are you doing, trying to find secrets or somthin'?!" I raised my voice which startled Ishi. He turned around, his cheek now a crimson red, it really brought out the shade of his eyes... I scolded myself and began to blush as well.

"So who's that guy on the left?" He pointed to Daiya's face.

"Oh that's my..." I thoughtfully said.

"That was my brother" I corrected myself.

"Oh... I'm sorry" Ishi replied almost mournfully

"..." We both fell silent, I trudged back to the sofa and slumped down glass now in hand, Ishi followed me like a dog with its tail now between it's legs. He grabbed the glass from the table and sniffed it intently again like a dog. After confirming whatever he was smelling for was absent from the drink he then took a big swig of it and gulped it down. As if it went straight to his head he began to slowly rock his head drunkedly.

"What you can't handle one drink?!" I called mockingly.

"Haha, you underestimate your fellow bro?" He replied in a daze.

"Okay then how about another round then!" I declared as I finished my glass aswell.


After another hour had passed by we had both drunk at least 2 litres of vodka and sake...

"See I told you I could..." Ishi began, his body swayed in my direction.

"Hey man I thought you said you handle this shit?" I asked, his head fell on my lap, eyes closed.

"..." Silence hung in the room, only the sound of Ishi's steady breathing interrupted it. I don't know what I was thinking but... I bent down until i was just 1 inch away from his face. My lips moved by themselves and tenderly kissed Ishi's, his lips were warm, almost wishing for the moment to last a life time, it was interrupted as his eyes began to stir. I shot my head upwards and my face really turned red as a lobster... 

After 5 minutes solid of just staring at his face he rolled over, his head now embarrassingly close to my crotch, his goddamn face was so cute, and I could feel it rising. I quickly but gently got up without interrupting Ishi's slumber, got a pillow and blanket from Daiya's old room and shoved them over him. Looking at him all snuggled up, I decided I wished to join him.  I sneakily lay besides him, I could feel his body warmth resonate against my bare skin. I lay there for an eternity staring at that godamn cute face, that didn't seem to care about what was going on, all signs of stress had disappeared. I leaned across to his forehead and kissed it, after that I fell asleep with a smile on my face...

Discipline In A Ruffian Diamond (IshiMondo Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora