Slow and Medium Rare

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It had been quite some time since society had fallen, the landscape which had once been frozen in time now had only a small amount of destruction evident. Time had begun to move again, people moved out of their strongholds and it seemed that some form of government was beginning to form itself. Normality was shifting back into people's lives where it had once been chaotic and despairing.

The low rumble of a motorbike interrupted the still, heavy heat of summer. It was just past noon, so the sun was relentlessly blazing every surface its' rays could touch. Despite the heat, the riders were still wearing full leather gear and helmets which one of them insisted on wearing whilst riding tandem. Even with all these safety precautions, he still clung tightly to the driver as if his life depended on it. The scent of the other man calmed him ever so slightly from thinking about how fast they were speeding along.

A screech of tyres wailed as the motorbike pulled into its destination. The tarmac had been worn away to the layer underneath, revealing cobble paving that caused the bike and its two riders to bounce with a rhythmic pattern. After dismounting the vehicle and removing most of their protective gear, the two men approached a shady looking building. What once was garish red paint had decayed to a rusty ginger tone. The long flat rectangular structure looked ready to collapse with as much as a whisper against its shabby metallic walls. The man who piggybacked a ride stayed cautiously behind the other man who seemed to just waltz on over to the door before stopping.

"Ya think this place serves burgers?" The leather jacket-wearing man asked to no one in particular.

"How foolish, this could all be a ruse you know. Who would open a diner on this long stretch of road that's been deserted for months? A poor business decision or are they ready to ambush us as we bite into our succulent imaginary-" The man behind him fidgeted as his mind ran away with him, only to be interrupted by the leather-clad man in front, who kicked the door open.

"You puss, come on it's been fuckin' ages since I've had myself a sloppy burger; YO! ANYONE IN HERE?!" He exclaimed into the empty diner. Ishi was thankful it was as empty as the road they rode in on, otherwise, Mondo would have surely disrupted the pleasant atmosphere of a busy diner. The place itself had a distinctly western style, American presumably. The counter-tops were a gleaming silver, the seating consisted of booths with red leather seating and tables with various state maps printed upon them. Compared to the outside, the joint was rather homely. The smell of frying oil and salt hit your nose as you walked in, paired with a waft of cool air from the whirring overhead fan. A jukebox between two booths played an unfamiliar but laidback song.

"Woah, Woah, WOAH! What the hell are y'all making a racket for- Oh customers! Table for two for you then?" From behind the counter sprouted a sprightly young waitress. she had frizzy blond hair which was somewhat tamed by a thin headband. Basic makeup had been plastered over her face with a slight overtone of pink which matched her short sleeve shirt and mini skirt. With her hand placed on her hip, her gold hoop earrings rocked a little from her speaking. She stood impatiently awaiting a response as if there was 50 angry customers all waiting for their orders.

Both Ishimaru and Mondo were surprised to see such a person. It was as if someone had plucked her straight from an American diner from the 80s. In this broken down disused road of all places...

"Well? I ain't got all day ya' know..." The waitress raised her left hand and inspected her fake nails while chewing loudly on some gum, glaring up occasionally at the two men.

"H-H-hahaha! Yeah we're down to clown with this setup! Give us a booth please so Mr Shy over here can sulk into his malt!" Mondo burst out awkwardly reciting as many Americanisms as possible. Patting Ishimaru's back encouragingly, Mr Shy blushed a bit but followed Mondo and the waitress to their table. Once seated the waitress quickly ran to the booth, her quite tall high heels didn't hinder her speed as she slammed down laminated menus in front of the pair.

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