Cracking Open (Part 1)

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It's been a couple of days since our stargazing 'adventure', neither of us have made more advances on the other. As if the whole night was just a wispy dream. Was it all just in the heat of the moment, we were both very vulnerable, we both needed to feel like someone cared. Was it love or was it just a side effect of being with Mondo, alone, for so long?


It was half past early when I woke up, the sun hadn't risen yet, I was going to fall back to sleep until I noticed the thin strip of light coming through my bedroom door. My house was just one floor and my bedroom opens up into the kitchen and the open plan living space. Was Mondo up too? I walked over to the door and opened it just enough to peek through. 

The dim lightbulb only casted a weak glow onto Mondo, but that was enough to see his body.

The pale yellow illuminated his muscular back, his shoulders that were broad and built. Thin apron strings just above his tiger print underwear clad behind, which was perfectly round yet defied gravity itself. Even his legs were as hard as granite, slim yet signs of wear and tear present. I felt my head burn with excitement, was it the grogginess of my early awakening or was the sight of that perfectly molded body turning me on? My emotions overcame me as I swung the door open and walked over towards him.

"Argh?!" Mondo spun around to me, I could see more of that irresistable body of his. Despite the apron, I could see his pecs clearly. The poor apron could hardly handle the tension of his chest against it, leaving an impression on the pure white material. It was so tight that I could see every detail of the bulge protruding from it. 

"What are you doing up so early?! I wasn't doing anything!" Mondo shouted clearly startled by my interruption, his words snapped me back from my daze. His body really has a mesmerizing effect. 

"H-Huh?" I replied, I glanced around the kitchen, A mess. broken egg shells in a pile, a couple of deformed rice balls and somehow an inversed whisk. I failed to stifle my chuckle.

"WHAT?!" Mondo shouted, blushing. His reaction just made me laugh more.

"GEEZ, I was just trying to learn how to cook, it's not fair for you to cook all the time..." I stopped laughing, realising his true intentions. A warm feeling rose in my heart.

"I can't even beat an egg..." Mondo muttered, his lips formed a pout. Cute.

"You're hopeless" I shook my head and walked over to the counter.

"I'll clean up, it's my mess!" Mondo scurried to go find a towel. 

"Stop stressing Mondo, come over here and I'll show you how it's done" I said as I retrieved 3 -thankfully- untouched eggs. He wandered over, deflated that he had to be taught how to crack an egg.

"See you just have to tap it with a bit of force" I said as I cracked the egg on the counter.

"Then you just put a your two thumbs in the crack and pull." Mondo watched intently like a child watching their father shave. I did as I said and the eggs contents went in a bowl with a satisfying plop. I handed Mondo an egg for him to try, he looked nervous as he accepted it.

"Urmmm, I'll try to do it like you did..." Mondo trailed off as he raised the egg upwards, holding it securely he was about to swing down.


I was too late, his hand smashed down onto the counter, the egg smashed and the yolk splattered all over the kitchen counter, wall and ceiling. Some even splattered on my pyjamas. 

"AAAAARGH!" Mondo grunted as he smashed his fist on the counter. 

"Guess I'll have to help you." I stood behind Mondo with an egg in my right hand. My pyjamas only provided a thin layer between me and Mondo's ass, my bulge fit perfectly between his buttocks. 

"Take this." I handed him the egg, he held it and awaited instruction.

"Okay now I'll guide you" I wrapped my hand around his, my hand was smaller than his. I lifted his hand up slowly, the weight of his arm resisted the pull of my grip. I then swiftly pushed his arm down. The egg cracked perfectly in the middle. I grabbed his other hand and guided it to the crack. My body now pressed closely against his, I could feel his body heat radiating with mine. I pushed his thumbs into the crack, his hand now sweaty, it pushed the egg shell apart, it's contents plopped into the bowl.

"Now that wasn't hard was it? I whispered playfully into his ear. His body quivered, he pushed me away and looked me dead in the eyes. His burning stare sent my heart aflutter, what was he going to do now?

"C-Can you..." Mondo muttered inaudibly. I was too nervous to say anything, my heart thumped with anticipation as his face grew closer to mine, it blushed lightly. I perched my lips ready for his passionate lips, his eyes now closed.

"CAN YOU PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO COOK?!" He shouted, I jumped back startled. His face was blushing heavily now, clearly flustered. Embarrassed by my miscommunication, I stuttered.

"O-Of course..."

"REALLY?!" Mondo's face lit up like a thousand stars, a grin from ear to ear. So childish, so adorable, so cute!

But does he feel the same way about me?


After some heavy trial and error, we finally got to slicing some vegetables, after showing him my technique, and some firm guidance, he got the hang of it.

"Hehe, this is pretty easy!" Mondo grinned, he found happiness in such simple things. (Although he is pretty quick to be angered too...)

However, his moment of pride was short lived.

"SHIT!" Mondo exclaimed as he sliced right into his finger. I started to panic.

"Oh why, oh god, what do I do?!" I shouted, as I scurried round the kitchen. I rummaged through cupboards and shelves for a first aid kit, a bandage or even just a plaster. I eventually found a box of plasters, I ripped it open in a hurry and ran over to Mondo who was holding the wound. I applied the plaster to the cut, thankfully it was pretty small, I brought my head close to the finger and examined it closely to make sure there wasn't any other problems. During my examination Mondo spoke up.

"Geez, it's only a little scuff, not like I lost my finger or somethin' " 

"You are so reckless, even the tiniest of cuts can become a huge problem, don't you forget that we still don't have any proper healthcare here." I scolded while not letting my eyes off his finger, checkign every nook and cranny.

"I've never been to no fancy doctors, and I'm fine now aren't I?" Mondo spat out. 

"Were you raised by a pack of wolves, health is - " I started as I lifted my head up. As I did, our eyes locked on to each others, those lovely lilac eyes... Before I realized it, his face was getting closer. Our lips pressed against each other, our tounges entwined. All sense of restraint was thrown to the wind for a moment of pure ecstasy, I slid my hand down his back. His skin was so smooth. Our kiss grew more intense as I reached his butt, I rubbed it as our kiss became a whirlwind of passion. His hand was exploring my body too, lifting up the back of my pyjama shirt, the feel of his rugged fingers against my bare skin was amazing! 

I couldn't help it, I was rock hard, and so was he. I pulled him closer to me, our boners rubbed against each other, this was too much. I broke away from his embrace.

"Wait..." I said, Mondo's face was filled with bewilderment. 


                                                      -A Few Words From The Writer-

I decided to split this up into 2 parts to see what you guys thought of it. I had a lot of difficulty writing the more raunchy bits, I don't know if they're really any good? I'd like your feedback on how I wrote this part and whether I should continue with the smutty stuff hehe. 

Thanks for reading!

Discipline In A Ruffian Diamond (IshiMondo Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin