25; ♡ He Needs a Nickname!

Start from the beginning

I bit my lip and watched Adam silently as he tried to sleep without making his head fall.

He looked so cute.

Yes, I admit that.

If only he wasn’t such a monster, he would’ve been such a cutie-slash-hottie.

Because I had a lot of free time, I started thinking of what I could call him, or what kind of nickname I could give him, but of course only in my head.

It has to have the word monster in it.

I closed my eyes for a brief second, trying to think, but when it came to me, I smirked and opened my eyes evily.

It suits him perfectly.

“What are you smirking for?” Adam asked, “I didn’t think that you would be that happy in jail.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s none of your business.” I flipped him off, but that didn’t do anything, he started looking at me deeply, and because the cell was so small, I had no other choice but to look back at him.

And the imagines started to come back.

My eyes widened and I looked away.

Why am I thinking about that right now?

I’m being so girly.

“You do care.” He suddenly said, “It is written all over your face.” I glanced at him. The corners of his mouth were up and it turned into a small smile.

It was smiling, but it fit him.

Yet, I still feel it looks so weird on him.

I tried to master my best glare, and not to look effected by his smile. “I told you, I don’t care.” Adam continued smiling, but his smile changed into a childish one, he looked away and shrugged.

He glanced at me. “Okay,” I frowned.

“Your face doesn’t look as an okay! That is so unfair!” I whined, and that felt weird, I usually don’t do that.

He chuckled. “Yeah, life is unfair.” I rolled my eyes.

“You are so annoying.” His face told me he was about to laugh, and that made me really angry. I hated when people laughed at me.

I crossed my arms, and looked away. “Are you going to stop or what?!” I exclaimed when he didn’t look away, or remove that expression.

He shook his head. “You are really cute,” He said. That made me freeze. He also froze, and his eyes widened, as if he had said something he shouldn’t have said.

He instantly looked down, and started scratching his neck nervously. I caught the huge blush on his face, and how he bit his lip.

The nickname fits him.


“Hey, you two!” The police officer shouted. We both jumped a little. I glared at the man. “I will be calling your parents to pick you up,” He said, making me stand. He gave me a side look, not really caring.

“Don’t call my parents, is that okay?” He frowned, turning his full attention to me now.

“I can’t, I have to call them, you are underage.” I bit my lip harshly and glared at him.

“I don’t care, I actually don’t mind spending the whole night here, I don’t think you will be having anyone coming right now.” He sighed.

The man shrugged, clicking his pen on the table while tilting his head to the side. “I have no other choice, they are your parents after all.” I ran a hand through my hair.

Turning my head to Adam’s way, an idea came to me. I smirked and pointed at Adam. “That guy is my boyfriend, it is alright for me to go with his mom, right?” I raised my eyebrow. That man narrowed his eyes.

“You are lying.” I faked an innocent look and shook my head.

“Why would I lie about that?” I put my hands behind my back, and blinked a few times, smiling at him.

Actually, there are a billion reasons to why I would lie about that.

He scratched his jaw, thinking deeply. “Give me a prove.” He noticed the confused expression on my face and continued. “Like a picture, or something.”

I’m so doomed.

God, why do you hate me?

The man smirked when he saw that I was so nervous, so I took a deep breath, and stood straight, looking at him in the eye.

“Sure,” I said, surprising him. “Can I call my friend to send me the picture?” He didn’t answer for a second but then he nodded.

He took my phone – that was lying near Adam’s – and gave me it. When he caught us, he took our phones from us.

I scrolled down the list that I had. When I found the name I wanted, I swallowed deeply, and looked at the phone disguestly.

I have never thought I would find a use of this number.

Even though I wanted him to answer my call, yet I didn’t want him to pick up. I don’t know how that would work, but anything could happen, right?

Probably not that.

“Hey, my sweetheart.” Scott answered, making me roll my eyes.

“Whatever, listen, you took a picture of me and Adam later right? Send me it.”        

                                             ○         ○          ○

                                Next Chapter's Title: The Deal.

Dedicated to: WeAreAllBroken96 Thanks for commenting and reading this story ♥ that means a lot to me! ^^

 Twitter: @uuFiona / Fiona [ follow me ;3] 

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