"5:30 this evening, in the main dining room," Rowan answers. "It's nearly nine in the morning, we have time to prepare." He squeezes my shoulder gently for support.

   "Yes, but I also have to make sure Blaze and Fleetfire are alright, and check in on the soldiers. Then, we have to figure out what we're going to say to King Etrrian and how we're going to do this," I tell them, my mind racing and my pulse thundering. Do we have enough time?

   "Aurae, it's okay. We're here to help you," Rowan reminds me, his voice soft and gentle. "Everest can run into town and find out where the soldiers are, and make sure they're okay. You can ask for Khiral and he can take you to Fleetfire and Blaze. In the meantime, I can begin preparations for our plan."

   Rowan's deep voice soothes my nerves, allowing me to clear my head and focus. He's what I've needed all these years: someone to guide me and calm me when I get too anxious, someone to see what I need before I do, to help me and show me what to do. He's what I need. More than anything else. 

   "Okay. Yes. You're right, it's okay," I breathe. "Let's do this."

   In a matter of minutes, Everest exited via the balcony, off towards Massom to find the barracks where the soldiers are staying. I was able to track down a servant, my own maid hasn't arrived, and asked for Khiral. He's on his way, and I wait with Rowan in our chambers. I pace nervously, thinking of what's to come, while Rowan prepares the plans, drawing out diagrams and taking notes on our bed, hard at work.

   Finally, I hear a knock at the door. Instantly, Rowan shoves the papers under a pillow, away from sight, and leaps to his feet as I open the door as calmly as I can. Khiral stands on the other side, wearing the same outfit as yesterday, but clean.

   "A pleasure to see you again, Princess Mowenys!" Khiral greets as he dips into a low bow.

   "Always a pleasure, Khiral," I reply. "Please call me Aurae though, as I've said before." i smile gently before turning to Rowan. Normally, I would kiss him goodbye, but he has to be my bodyguard right now.

   "I'll be back soon, stay here," I command him firmly before leaving with Khiral, closing the door behind me. 

   "Not taking any security measures?" Khiral asks me as he leads me down the long hallway.

   "No, I'm just hoping to check on my horses, Blade and Fleetfire, if you recall them," I tell him as he walks me down a stairway.

   "I don't remember them, I'm sorry, but the royal families' mounts are kept in the stable out back. The soldiers' mounts go off somewhere else." Khiral explains as we walk through the palace. He and I make small talk, keeping to professional, impersonal matters. He gives me a small tour of the palace as we walk too, shoving me where various things are. I try to remember the way back to my room. 

   "Ah, there we have it," Khiral stops in front of a large door, fishing a ring of keys out of his pocket before unlocking the door and opening it. Meeting my line of vision is a very new looking stable, much like the one back in Graeweth. The wood is painted and looks brand new, clean as a sponge. It's very large, with pastures of green grass surrounding it.

   The sky is clear and blue, the yellow sun blazing high in the sky. And the view! Oh, I love the snowy forests of Graeweth, but this is really something. Cascading mountains, bright trees and valleys in the distance catch my eye as I turn in a circle, taking in everything.

   Other buildings around the stable are there, looking just as polished as the barn. Servants and stable hands bustle about, birds chirping in the air. It's like a perfect little village, right behind what is probably the planet's finest palace.

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