Friends in High Places

Start from the beginning

So Laureen and Jason told it. It wasn't exactly to recount but they managed it. Both Tuatara and Hiroshi were quiet during the story, with Jason noting Hiroshi shivered at several points, especially at the mentions of Akihiro. Finally, they came to the story's head with Jason saying: "...So naturally we were a bit peeved some government guys were trying to take our blood or something while we were sleeping. So we strongarmed them into seeing the Vice President and after some arguing, he called you. And now here we are."

Tuatara nodded, forked tongue escaping his lips. "The Skeleton Crew needs to be stopped, sir. But the military doesn't seem to want to cooperate with us. I don't want to fighting your boys while the terrorists are planning their next move."

"Mr. President..." The VP cut in, clasping his hands together. "I have already told the Agency metahumans we are very grateful for their service. They've saved lives. But I think its time to take the kids with superpowers off of this! The fact that I'm even arguing that is maddening to me. This situation should be handled by professionals! I called you because I hope you can see that. I know you have a soft spot for them, which is perfectly understandable. They saved your life. And the lives of this entire country. We owe them much. But as I told them, repeatedly, the United States cannot rely on a superpowered young men and women to defend us. This is the real world, not a cartoon, and I won't be putting American lives in their hands. The death toll from previous metahuman attacks was exponential. I won't have another of those, especially after that slaughter last night."

"George!" The President yelled. The VP jumped back, startled. The President took a breath then said, calmer: "I'm sorry. But I'd like to hear these people talk. We owe them a great debt. They saved my life. And they've put their lives on the line again and again for us against threats I'm barely starting to comprehend. If they want to talk to me, share their story, then they will. Now please, be quiet...for a few moments."

The Vice President breathed out deeply but he sat down. The President was quiet for a moment before Laureen said, "Okay. So what'd think of what we told you?"

"First..." The President paused for a moment before continuing. "My deepest condolences for what happened. I...can't imagine being at ground zero of that horrible attack and seeing all that unfold before your eyes. When I think back to Washington...I feel as if I'm going to faint, lose my lunch right where I'm standing. I'm sorry."

His words sounded genuine, actually heartfelt. Laureen glanced at the others. Tuatara nodded and spoke first. "Thank you, sir. We barely escaped the carnage. But a lot of good men and women lost their lives. Slaughtered, no...butchered, by the Skeleton Crew."

Jason grimaced and leaned closer to the phone. "We wanted to stay," He said bitterly. "But they..." He coughed and repeated himself. "We realized it would be too much for us to handle. We barely escaped with our lives as is and spent sometime separate from each other. But these people...they're not going to stop. They want us dead and they'll tear their way through this whole damn country to do so."

"Yeah," Laureen grunted, tapping her hands on the table. "Quincy is just the beginning. They've got firepower, they've got an army, and they've got fucking metas, all led by a demented woman. This situation is gonna escalate even further I bet. So its our interests to try and stop the bastards next time they crawl out into the open. Its way we're being so forceful, you see. We seen 'em first hand, couple times now. And we know your government, as...competent as it is, is gonna get flattened by their offensives. Like what happened with Zeus and his pack of fuckheads. You need us, much as some people don't wanna admit it. Locking us up, well, that can't happen, cause everything is gonna go up in flames if you do."

The Vice President raised a finger. "Pardon my interjection..." He said testily. "...But I have to disagree. The Skeleton Crew claimed victories three times now because we were dealing with an unknown threat! The Cage, the Metahuman Agency, and Quincy were all ambushes. They struck out of nowhere and attacked without mercy, using their numbers and firepower to their distinct advantage. An effective tactic but it's a one-note trick. Contrary to your belief, this institution hasn't been sitting idly by and watching metahumans run amok. We've been preparing for such encounters and as long as we can predict the Skeleton Crew's next target, outmaneuver them, we can handle them. They've got an army, to be sure, but it's a small one. And metahumans, despite their sheer power, can be killed. Even Zeus became vulnerable when deprived of sunlight. You lot may have the powers of gods but you're not gods. We can stop them and do it without excessive collateral damage."

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