Annoying little shits

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Sam stared at Dean and Cas' eye-fucking session from where he sat across the room. Jesus, the were so in love it made him a little sick. These two were, in the words of Bobby, Idgits. If they would only just think for two seconds they would realize they were hopelessly (and irrevocably) in love. Gabriel seemed to be just as fed up as Sam, because he constantly whining about it.

"We should lock them in a closet." Sam looked up at Gabriel from his laptop.

"Excuse me?"

"Did I fucking stutter? We should lock Dean-o and my Lil bro in a closet. And then once they kiss, they can come out. Of the closet." The archangel giggled at his joke.

"Gabe, I don't think locking them in a closet will do much. You know how stubborn both of them can be."

"Yes Samsquatch, and I also know that a cats penis is sharply barbed along it's shaft." Gabriel rolled his eyes. "It's also very annoying watching them both dance around the fact that they're in love, in fact, it's maddening."

He scooted closer to Sam, pushing his face into Sam's flannel shirt. "Sammyyyyyy," he whined, his voice muffled by the shirt. "Wegottamakethemstop."

"Gabriel, you realize they won't stop being all... lovey-dovey if they get together right?"

Gabriel picked his head up and glared at Sam.

"Of course I know that. But, if we get them together, hopefully they'll keep it in the bedroom." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Because they'll be doin the nasty."

Sam rolled his eyes at the archangel. "Well, if you have any ideas on how we should get them together, I'm all ears."

Sam and Gabriel ended up shoving Dean and Cas into a closet anyway, which resulted in the pair "doin the nasty", as Gabriel put it.


Wow it been awhile since I've posted anything! I'm sorry about the unannounced hiatus, I ran into a problem where my phone was stolen, and then I got a tablet but then that broke. :/
but hey, I'm back now, and I'll start posting more shit. (^.^)


(And I plan on making the chapters longer too.)

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