Drops of Jupiter

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Sam can remember when he could see color.
His soulmate, Jessica, had opened up the world for him. Back then he knew what it meant to have green eyes, to see a beautiful blue sky, to see her long, curly blonde hair.
He can also remember when he lost that all, his world draining slowly back to black and white, and receiving the call the next day that Jessica had died in a house fire.

It seems that everyone around him can see color, his parents had each other, Dean has Cas, and even Charlie managed to meet a girl online named Dorothy.
It seems that Sam is just doomed to live a life in black and white.


"God Sam, his eyes are bluer than the fucking ocean, you have no idea." Dean sighed, leaning back In Sam's sofa, the beer in his hand tipping slightly to pour out a bit on the couch.

Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's carelessness, standing up to grab two more cheap beers from the mini-fridge he had in the studio apartment. He was finally going to law school, which was good for him, but bad for his wallet. he managed to get by in the cramped apartment, but living here meant that he had to wake up an hour earlier in the morning just to catch the bus to school.

"Dean, I hope you know I have to sleep on that couch, right?" Sam set the beers on the small table between the sofa and the TV, which was playing some stupid show Dean liked, Doctor Sexy or some shit like that.

"What?" Dean looked down at the beer before righting it and throwing Sam a sheepish grin.

"Sorry Sammy."

He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by his cell ringing. He pulled out his phone, a soft smile crossing his face before opening it.
"Hey Cas." He said, leaning forward to set his beer on the coffee table. "Yeah?" He paused, listening for a second. "I'll be there soon, okay? Love you." He stood up, sliding his phone into his pocket.
"Sorry Sammy, gotta go." He gave his brother a sheepish look, grabbing his coat off the back of his chair. "Cas said the dog got loose and now he's worried sick." Dean rolled his eyes. "We got a dumbass dog. The thing barely knows its own name." Dean opened the front door of Sam's sad excuse of an apartment, taking the unopened beer with him.
"Bye Sammy."
"Bye Dean."


It was a couple days later when Sam first saw him.
He was on the bus, surrounded by sleeping and tried people on the way to the library to study for some exams that were coming up when he got on the bus.

Sam probably wouldn't have even noticed him, but the fact that this short blonde-haired man's music was fucking blaring through his earbuds made him stand out considerably. Sam glared at the back of the man's head, willing the man to turn down his bad pop music. Luckily, a few minutes later the woman who was sitting beside the guy tapped his shoulder and politely asked him to turn it down, and the man obliged.

Sam's annoyance soon subsided, and once he got near his stop near the library, he began to gather up his things.

He noticed the other man picking up his things too, and Sam nearly groaned out loud. All he wanted to do was study in peace, and now he'd have to listen to this obnoxious blonde's annoying pop music.

Wait, What? Blonde? He whipped his head back around to the man. Greyscale. just like everything else he saw. just a trick of the light.

"Jesus Christ, I'd rather go to hell than listen to his dying ear cells." Sam thought to himself as the bus pulled up to his stop. 

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