I'll Take What I Can Get

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Witch!Sam and Familiar!Gabriel


Living alone in the country wasn't so bad, Sam mused to himself, the hammock he was relaxing in gently swaying in the breeze. The different scents of herbs from his garden hung in the air, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary, he could even catch whiffs of Basil behind it all.
Yes, Sam thought, not bad at all.
He snapped out of his musings, however, when he heard a rustling in the magnolia branch over him. He craned his head back, peering through the dark leaves and white flowers before he spotted a cat.
Now, Sam usually wouldn't think twice about the various stray cats he usually left food out for, but this cat was wearing a collar, and Sam's closest neighbor was over 20 miles away.
The cat continued to stare back at him for a couple of seconds before wiggling it's butt in the air and pouncing on Sam's chest, causing Sam to let out a loud "Oof!".
"Mirow." The cat stated, sitting on Sam's chest.
Sam gently petted the shaggy golden-furred cat, searching for an address on the cat's collar, but not finding one. The only thing on the collar was a name - Gabriel - and Sam assumed that that was the cat's name.
"Are you lost little guy?" Sam asked Gabriel, and the purred and butted his hand with it's head.
At first Sam thought that it was a kitten, but he soon realized that it was a munchkin cat, which were naturally very short.
He gently lifted Gabriel up into his arms before standing and striding to his house. Once inside, he sat the cat on the ground, where the little guy followed him to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Sam's dog, Charlie, raised her head from her nap; spotting Gabriel she stoopd up and walked up to him cautiously, giving him a couple of sniffs before deeming him to not be a threat.
Gabriel, however, was unsatisfied with his position on the floor and he jumped up on the countertop.
"Wha- hey! Get down!" Sam shooed the cat, but quickly backed up when he noticed the cat was growing.
"What the hell?" The man muttered as Gabriel morphed from a cat to a man.
"Ahhh..." Gabriel groaned, popping his knuckles and stretching. He hopped off the counter, before stopping in front of Sam and bowed low. "Gabriel, at your service." He said. "I'm your familiar." Gabriel smirked at Sam before walking past him towards his refrigerator.
"Do you have any food around here? I'm starving." Gabriel rummaged through the stuff in his fridge before pulling out a bowl of blueberries.
"I- what- how- " Sam stuttered, a bewildered look on his face.
"Not gonna lie, " Gabriel started, popping a couple of blueberries in his mouth. "I got lost twice on my way here. I should have found you the night you became a witch, two weeks ago. Buuut... You live practically in the middle of nowhere, so you can't really blame me, Samsquatch." Gabriel continued to stuff his face.
He looked at Sam, who continued to give him a bewildered look. Gabriel rolled his eyes, setting the bowl down and wiping his fingers on his shirt.
"Would you like me to explain it to you?"


Okay guys, so this was a pretty short little drabble just to hold you off until I finish my next one-shot, which I plan to have over 1,000 words (holy shit) and spoiler alert, it's gonna be a soulmate au.

I'm actually thinking about turning this into a story on its own, because I really like the idea, but I'm not sure. What do you think?


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