Chapter 3

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Austin's POV
"Sweetie it's time to get up and get ready" i heard my mom screaming i got out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom i took a good shower then i changed to my outfit (the outfit in the media above) and brushed my teeth and headed downstairs i found my mom she made the breakfast "honey i made the breakfast" she said. "Thanks mom" i said as i gave her a kiss on her cheek . I ate the pancakes then when i finished dave came "hey man" he said as he greeting   and "hey" i said smiling  then we went to the airport i said goodbye to my mom and i went to my flight...
After A while......................

I woke up and i found myself in LA we just landed! Oh my gosh i can't wait too see my baby_ummm i mean my bestie you know!
I took a cab to bella's house since bella's sent me a message saying that she wants me to stay with her and i think that is amazing maybe  some thing gonna change  on these 2 weeks who knows!! I gave the driver his money and i steped in the front door and rang the bell  after a few seconds the door was opened and i saw bella with a wide smile on her face "OMG AUSTIN!" she said as she jumped in my arms  i laughed and hugged her back  then we went inside  "i missed you so much!".  She said with a soft voice "i missed you too beautiful"  we kept chatting about what we went throught on these 6  months past...
Bella's POV
Oh finally i saw him i really missed  him so much!  He looks so handsome and hot and his smile is the cutest thing ever!
"So that's what happend to me!" He said with a smile. "Oh,sounds good" i said with a smile, i didn't really heard all what he said because i was thinking how handsome was he, "what about you?" He asked. " oh umm well, me and selena are working on a new  song." i said as i was taking a sip of my coffe, his eyes widen "really?!! THIS IS COOL!" I could tell that he was excited  we kept chatting, at 9 pm i felt hungry "hungry, huh?" Austin said with a smile on his face, "ugh yes" i said "well we can order some pizza." he said. "Okay then!". I said,i knew that he really loves pizza i ordered us some pizza and went back to the living room where austin is watching tv, i sit next to him and he wrapped his hands around me, when pizza arrived we ate and laughed. Once we finished we sit down and start playing and talking, after that we went to our rooms cuz it was so late  " so bella do you wanna hang out with me tomorrow? Um you can say that it is a date??" Austin said as he was waiting for my answer and biting his lower lips.. oh my god oh my god bella breath !! ,Just breath don't act like you're going to jump on him like a monster breath!! "So what do you say??" Austin said keeping biting his lower lip "yes,sure! I mean why not" i said with a warm smile,his eyes shined and a he gave me a wide smile, "okay then, tomorrow at 7 pm" he said with a smirk "goodnight cutie cupcake" he said as he winked and he closed his door, oh my god did he just asked me?! Maybe he has the same feeling for me? Who knows, i went to my room and i called selena and i told her everything, "awww he must be really in love with you" selena said "i don't know i will see tomorrow" we said bye, i fell in sleep while i was thinking what's gonna happen tomorrow....

Love you guys!! Xo😘❤❤❤

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