Losing Someone You Love

Start from the beginning

Felicity flinched.

"Felicity..." Roy's voice was softer now.

"Just go. Go back to Thea, and don't try to bring back her brother." Felicity was furious now. Oliver was ok. He had to be ok.


"You know, this is a hilarious coincidence. I was only going to kidnap Arrow, to blackmail him- but he turned out to be the next man on my list." The woman drawled, her tone mocking.

"I guess I'm just good at pissing people off." Oliver narrowed his eyes at the darkness.

"Indeed you are," came the reply, "so now let's talk about Queen Consolidated."

Oliver was straining to see in the dimly lit room. How was he supposed to escape if he couldn't figure out an escape room.

"Yes..." He was stalling now, "What about my business?"

"Well, let's talk about your employee. Felicity Smoak? Yes. Well, what's your relationship to her?" The women seemed to know more than she was letting on- but what did any of this have to do with his Felicity?

"An acquaintance." Oliver answered steadily.

"Oh really? So you sleep with all of your acquaintances? Or is she just special?" He could picture the woman sneering as she spoke.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver couldn't hide the surprise in his tone.

"An IT girl, with an abundance of short skirts, suddenly promoted to secretary of the CEO- who happened to be a billionaire play boy? Tell me how that looks. Everyone is talking about it."

Oliver was taken aback. He had never thought about what the promotion might do to Felicity's reputation. Though most nights, Felicity worked in the IT department, Oliver also needed her to be closer in case they needed to talk- so he had her be his secretary. At least the woman had given him a clue to her identity.

She works at Queen Consolidated.

"Yes, I gave you a clue. Indeed, I work with you Mr. Queen." The woman now sounded amused.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, and into the dim light.
She was slender, tan, with sleek, long black hair. She was a very familiar coworker.

Isabelle Roshev.

In her hands, she held a phone.

"Now, how about we give your little pet a phone call?" She smirked.

Oliver strained against his bonds, but the man who had dunked him in the ice water held him close.

"You will leave her alone." Oliver demanded, his voice full of authority.

Isabelle laughed. "You're not in any place to be ordering people around, Oliver."

She dialed Felicity's number, which she apparently had memorized.


"Felicity, I'm sorry, I'll help you find him." Roy pleaded.

Just then, Felicity's phone rang. Needing an escape from Roy, she picked it up hastily.


"Felicity Smoak! How is your fling with Oliver?"


"Uh, what are you talking about? By fling I assume you mean I, having an affair with my boss, like most of the people at QC, but like I tell them, We. Are. Just. Friends. And honestly, I'm tired of all these rumors going around it's-"

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