Who Is Palmer?

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Oliver let out a hot breath. He was just about ready to rip Felicity's friend in half for losing his child. He couldn't fail his son.

It was his son- and Oliver was prepared to do anything to find him. Sighing vehemently, Oliver sat down on a park bench and buried his head in his hands.

Suddenly, Oliver heard voices. Squinting into the darkness, Oliver made out two figures.

"I told you, I want my money. I gave you Queen's son, so now you give me my fifty grand." A woman snapped, raising her voice.

Oliver's blood ran cold. It was Felicity's friend.

Without thinking, Oliver charged towards the woman. The man she had been meeting with took off, but Oliver didn't care. He needed to find Jonas.

"AHHHH!" The woman let out a cry as Oliver shoved her into the pavement.

"What did you to my son? Who was that?" Oliver growled, shaking the woman, whatever her name was.

"I- I don't know." The woman sputtered.

"Don't you dare lie to me." Oliver's grip on her tightened, and she was having trouble breathing.

"I'm not! I g-gave him to The Atom-m! I don't know h-his identity." The woman chocked out, gasping for breath.


"Hey, Felicity, it's Ray." Felicity's heart dropped. Oliver was still outside in the dark. Which meant he hadn't found Jonas. Felicity was anxious, and not letting Megan out of her sight.

"Hey, Ray-"

"Guess who showed up at my place?" Ray chuckled, "Jonas misses his beautiful mother."

Felicity felt immense relief. "You found Jonas?!"

"Sure did. How about I come and drop him off?" Ray suggested.

Felicity grinned. "Thank you so so so much, I love you-"

Just then, the door swung open. "Your- wait, who do you love?" Oliver looked stunned for a second, before regaining composure and shutting the door.

"Ray found Jonas!" Felicity chirped, hanging up the phone.

Oliver raised his eyebrows. "Did he now?" He narrowed his blue eyes.

Felicity nodded, scooping Megan up into a hug. "He will be here in a few minutes."

"I see. Have you heard of The Atom?" Oliver pursed his lips.

Felicity nodded. "Of course, he is like The Arrow of this city." Felicity wondered why Oliver didn't know about The Atom.

"Oh. Oh." Oliver's eyes widened, as if he had not been expecting that answer.

Just then, the door bell rang.


Oliver eyes darted to the door. As Ray walked in, Oliver's gaze swept the ground beside him.

No kid.

He raised his eyes to meet Ray's, but before he could, he noticed a sleeping boy in Ray's arms. He had dark brown hair and fair skin. Oliver remembered Felicity mentioning that she had natural brown hair- perhaps this had been her color.

"Jonas!" Felicity breathed, setting Mini Felicity down on the ground. Megan, mini Felicity, clung to Felicity's leg.

"Mama?" Jonas' eyes fluttered open groggily.

"Oh, don't you ever do that again!" Felicity scolded, taking him in her arms.

Oliver inspected Ray for any sign that he had been in the park. He could very well be the man that Oliver had seen talking to Felicity's friend.

"Who's that?" Jonas asked, pointing a tiny finger at Oliver.

"That's your father." Felicity answered softly, earning a grunt from Ray.

"DADDY!" Jonas reached for Oliver, who smiled.

"Hi, son." Felicity placed Jonas in Oliver's arms. Jonas instantly squeezed Oliver tightly.

"I knew I had a daddy like all the kids." He whispered. Oliver gave him a little squeeze.

"You sure do, buddy." He kissed the top of his son's head quickly, before setting him down.

"Thank you so much again, Ray-"

"Yes. Goodbye Ray." Oliver put Felicity's thank you to an abrupt end.

"Oliver!" She snapped, "anyways, thank you."

"No problem. You can thank me with coffee tomorrow. I'll call you." Ray winked and stepped outside.

Oliver was fuming.

"Well, I should make dinner. You're welcome to stay, Oliver." Felicity sent a shy smile in Oliver's direction and hurried off into the kitchen with Mini Felicity, Megan, trailing behind her.

Oliver was hoping to spend more than dinner with Felicity, but at the same time he wanted to steer clear of her.

"Wanna go see my Lego collection?" Jonas asked brightly, taking Oliver's large hand in his smaller one.

"Of course." Oliver beamed down at his son. For a day, maybe he could forget about being The Arrow.

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