Chapter Thirty Eight

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Lake Raphia was a hidden gem, a natural marvel of the Creator, some said. The Midas Caves sat picturesquely above, nestled into the foothills of the Phalanx Mountains. Faded images of Draco Guardians, warriors associated with the Ancients, were carved into the mountainside, supposedly protecting a vast power hidden deep within the Midas Caves. Sunlight glistened off the surface of the lake, so calm and peaceful. The two princes stared at the city ahead of them. It was built within a cavernous opening at the base of the Phalanx Mountains. Homes and other buildings were built directly into the rocky ground. Rows of structures towered over one another, gradually moving up and down the cave walls. Being built into the bottom of the mountain offered great natural protection. The only entrance into the city was through the lake. Natural coral borders jutted out from each side of the lake creating a wall of protection. Visitors, merchants, and other travelers were forced to go through the passage if they wanted to gain entrance. Being situated directly below the golden caves had turned Lake Raphia into one of the most opulent cities in all of Eos. Homes carved out of the rock walls were adorned with imported marble and other materials from lands far away. At its height, Lake Raphia had served as the ultimate vacation destination for royalty of many kingdoms, but once the desire to possess its resources came about, it had become the epicenter for violence in the north. Citizens could not flee for safety as armies battled one another at the city’s doorstep. They were trapped, bitter at every invasion of their homeland, and now the latest conquerors were going to need their help.

“What if these people refuse to listen to us, Xander?” Aric stared at the decaying city as it came into focus. The buildings looked abandoned. Every valuable piece of marble or gold had been taken. The buildings were simply hewn out rock now, plastered with a bit of mud. The grandeur that was once Lake Raphia had vanished. The giant palm trees that lined the city streets were no more. Cut down and used for firewood, most likely. 

“It doesn’t matter if they listen or not. They are part of our kingdom now. We will welcome them and treat them as such. In time, they will learn to be Vicedonian.” Xander spoke so matter-of-factly.

As the boat drew closer, still no movements could be seen. 

“It’s like a ghost town here. Where is everybody? The battle is over, don’t they realize that now?” Aric looked around, the only signs of life were random stray cats, so emaciated they looked more akin to giant rats.

“These people have suffered through more battles than they care to remember. For some, war is all they’ve ever experienced. The stories that we heard once about this place are no longer relevant. They are just that now… stories, Aric.”

The boat pulled into the dock and the two princes and a small contingent of troops made their way up. They walked along the main path, leading to the crumbling ruins of the capital building, a decrepit castle that had seen better days. Statues that once adorned the pathway were now deteriorated. Partial limbs could be seen here and there, most likely the remains of Kashen, the Lake Raphian god of wealth. Kashen had been the patron god of the Lake Raphian people for centuries, delivering on his promises of wealth and affluence. However, once the war began, Kashen had abandoned the city, leaving his statues unkempt and defiled by citizens who once worshipped him. 

When the contingent made its way to the main square, they noticed the quick shuttering of windows and doors. The people were still here, just hiding. Xander surveyed the buildings before him, noticing the growing number of eyes locked on his every movement.

“People of Lake Raphia! Hear me now!” He slowly stepped forward, opening his arms in a gesture of compliance.

“I am Prince Xander of the Vicedonian Kingdom.” He gestured for Aric to step forward, too. “And this is Prince Aric, second child of King Maximus Agiad II.” He paused for any type of response. “You have suffered… I know. The Renzai armies have stolen your liberty from you, denying you of your natural right to freedom. They have forced you to stay behind your city walls, in fear of death and repercussions. But I tell you this now, people of Lake Raphia: Now, my countrymen’s hands have freed you. We have defeated the Renzai armies, sending their souls back to the pits of injustice. You are safe now. You are now under the protection of the Vicedonian Kingdom, the newest territory to the greatest kingdom in all of Eos. Show yourself now, and pledge your loyalty to us.”

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