Chapter Five

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As Aric and Melody silently made their way back to his chambers, the thoughts of what had just occurred played over and over in her head. If I were to ever upset this monster, even in the slightest, I could end up at the bottom of that pit myself, she thought. She touched her blood stained dress as a reminder. The next time this could be my own. She could see Aric sneaking glances at her every so often, and although he was in front of her, she could still feel the insidious smirk stretch across his mouth as he snickered to himself. If only this night would end now, she silently prayed.

“Aric, I’ve been looking for you,” a voice boomed from behind them. “The king has summoned us to the war council. I checked your chambers, but your servant informed me that you were dealing with a prisoner? What business is that of yours?”

“Unlike you, Xander, I choose to deal with problems with swift and resolute action. He attempted to escape, he was caught, and so I decided to end his life. The problem was solved.”

“Did you read his report before you went ahead and executed him, Aric? I know you didn’t, but if you had, then you would’ve realized that he was more important to us alive. We captured him after the battle of Edessa in the Disputed Lands. He had knowledge of the Renzai Empire’s secret locations east of the River Fate. That knowledge could have proven extremely advantageous to us.” Xander spoke with calm, but stern clarity that always aggravated Aric to no end. “And now he’s dead and useless to us. How many times has your brashness and inability to see beyond the tip of your sword cost us in this war? You’re always so—”

“Shut the hell up, Xander!” yelled Aric. “I don’t need you, nor anyone else to scold me like a child! You have your methods, and I have mine! Don’t stand here and lecture me on the merits of diplomacy.” Aric’s face began to turn red, and the large vein on his forehead throbbed ferociously.

Xander stared at him blankly. “You’re a prince of the Vicedonian Kingdom, third in succession to the greatest kingdom in this world… start acting like you know what that means, Aric. Now, let’s go to the war council before father has us both punished for making him wait.”

Aric wanted to continue arguing his point, but knew Xander was right about making the king wait. He bit his lip and walked briskly away.

The two sons of King Maximus II left Melody standing alone in silence. Thank goodness for Xander. He is a true hero of the kingdom, and will one day become its greatest king yet. The citizens of Vicedonia worshipped Xander as their savior-to-be. They proudly claimed him as their first son, which always infuriated Aric when he heard it chanted in the streets. Xander was taller than the average soldier, with short-cropped black hair that matched his jet-black eyes. He wore silver-steeled armor covered in blue trim, with the Vicedonian insignia crested upon his shoulders. Vicedonian armor was much stronger and bulkier than their enemies’. Due to the pure physicality of the kingdom’s soldiers, they could wear such armor and still maneuver deftly on the battlefield.

Xander’s skills in combat had already become a thing of legend as every army he had led had yet to suffer defeat. He was King Maximus’ favorite son too; everyone in the kingdom knew that. He was loyal to his family, even to Aric with all his faults. Devoted to his wife and his two young sons. He was simply… perfect, thought Melody as she made her way back to Aric’s chamber, wishing that Xander would visit her dreams tonight.

The war council was assembled in the Great Hall adjacent to the throne room. As Aric and Xander entered, they could already hear the vehement bickering of Dontos, King Maximus’ oldest and most respected advisor, and Constantine, the retired general from the Second Great War. Constantine no longer commanded troops, but his wealth of knowledge and experience proved a great asset to King Maximus. King Maximus thought of both of them as brothers; too bad the same couldn’t be said of their feelings towards one another.

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