Chapter Thirty

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“It really exists.” Kara was still in disbelief. The Candidate was both terrifying and mesmerizing at the same time. The power it held was beyond impressive; it truly was godlike. It wasn’t quite human, or quite animal, either. An imposing figure indeed, it appeared to be nearly eight feet tall. It wore a metal helmet, disguising its face underneath. Its arms were chained to a metal cage, most likely its prison or containment unit. It was clearly evident that even the Vicedonians were scared of its immense power. Soldiers closest to it stood at the ready with spears, axes, and morningstars in hand, but their body language told a different story. With knees shaking, they backed away at the slightest movement the Candidate made, and it was understandable. Its body glowed bright blue, almost as if it had captured lightning and consumed it whole.

“So that’s what a Candidate looks like,” said Gama, his tone full of both wonder and hesitation. “It’s… gigantic… and look at its body, it glows like something…heavenly. Did you see him toss that massive boulder like it was nothing? That can only be the power of a god.”

Raden’s eyes were transfixed, “They’re everywhere,” he whispered. The words seemed to slip out amidst his fascination with the Candidate.

“What’s everywhere?” Kara asked curiously. She stared out towards the happenings below, and could see no such things. She looked back at Raden with concern written across her face. “Raden… what are you talking abo—?”

“Look out!” Gama threw his arms tightly around his companions. Instinctively they all shut their eyes tight, while the deafening sound of a boulder smashing into the mountainside below them filled their ears. Debris rained down on them. They paused for a moment, unsure if another attack would follow, but none did. They opened their eyes to see dust and smoke obstructing their view. Slowly it dissipated, and beneath where they laid hidden in the brush, they could see how horrifically the mountain had been abused. Bruised, battered, and charred, the rocky ground had been smashed to bits, a massive crater tattooed into the earth.

“Do they know we’re here?” asked Kara, deep concern in her voice.

Off in the distance, the sound of another boulder crashing against the rocky surroundings caught their attention. They surveyed the activity below, but there seemed to be no movements made towards the foothills where they hid.

“I don’t think so,” Gama replied. “It looks like the Candidate is just exercising his godly muscles.”

“What should we do, Raden?” Kara glanced over at him, but noticed something strange about his behavior.

Gama had taken noticed as well. “Rad, what’s wrong?”

Raden was covering his eyes with his right hand. He could barely keep his eyes open, squinting hard as he looked out at the newly formed crater. A symbol of the Ancients glowed brightly before him, bombarding his vision with mysterious radiance. 


“Tell me, Raden.” She grabbed him tightly by the wrist.

Raden found it difficult to focus on her words. The symbol pulled at him, captivating his attention. “It’s just…” but his voice began to trail off.

Gama lowered his voice to a comforting whisper. “Rad… what is it? You can tell us.”

The glow of the symbol began to dull, slowly fading away from view. Raden reached for his head, massaging his temples, trying hard to regain his composure. Raden finally looked at his companions. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

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