Chapter Twenty Five

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It took the effort of both Kara and Raden to restrain Gama. Understandably, he wanted to call out for Oli. Use every ounce of strength in him to pry open the iron doors. But if he did, no doubt the commotion would bring more guards to their location.

Next to Raden, Oli was the closest thing Gama had to family. Unlike Raden, who still had warm memories of his parents before the massacre at Carhay, Gama had never known who his parents were. He had been moved from one orphanage to the next during his childhood, expelled for his rebellious and mischievous behavior. Not until befriending Raden in elementary school did Gama begin to settle down. Gama rarely ever spoke about his past, partly because he had no idea who his parents were, but more so because the abandonment he felt still lingered in his heart. Raden asked Gama once if he ever wanted to track down and find his biological parents. Gama responded by asking Raden if he wanted to hear a joke, completely ignoring the question. Raden figured perhaps that’s why Gama approached life with such humor. The thought of his parents abandoning him put him in a dark, angry place that he hated being in. Oli had helped to fill that void with her constant companionship. Gama would do anything to save her.

The whimpering rose steadily. Every cry felt like daggers piercing Gama’s heart. With one final yelp, the sound stopped. The three of them sat there in silence. Two of them not knowing what to say to comfort their friend, and the other in disbelief of what he had heard.

The sound of gears shifting and chains clanging together broke them from their grief. They watched as the doors shifted slightly outwards from the surrounding doorframe. A loud click and the doors cracked ajar. The three of them did not know what to expect. They should’ve armed themselves, but given the mental state they were in, they simply watched. 

When the doors finally swung open, they could see Oli, transformed into Ripper again and standing above two large shadowy objects. 

“She’s alive?” Kara couldn’t believe it. She thought Oli was as good as dead by the sound of things. 

“Of course she is! Oli can take care of herself!” The joy in Gama’s voice was contagious. Raden found himself sighing in relief, thankful for Oli’s life, but also for the well being of his friend. Completing the mission with Gama in a state of depression would’ve been an arduous task.

Raden bent down to pat Oli on the head, as she shifted back to her smaller size. “If Oli’s alive, then what was the sound we heard?”

“Cerberus. Two of them.” Kara was picking at the two shadowy clumps on the ground. They all moved in closer for a look. Cerberus were three headed dogs the Vicedonians had in their arsenal. They were vicious hunters. Three times the size of a normal dog, they were extraordinarily difficult to kill in combat. Striking at one head left you open to the other two. Oli, though, seemed to have had no difficulty in nullifying not one, but two of these monsters.

Kara made her way to the crank nearby, turning it tightly to shut the doors. “This place must be crawling with these demon dogs. I realize it now. Those shafts outside aren’t windows, they’re doorways for these dogs. The Vicedonians use them as guardians, but they must also use them as messengers. At top speed, these dogs can outrun even the fastest horse on land. The mountains must be filled with passageways for these beasts to operate in.”

“If these tunnels are crawling with cerberus, we have to be extra careful. Even if they can’t see us, they’ll be able to smell us,” said Raden.

The doors shut tightly, and the group made their way down the passageway ahead. Inside was a labyrinth of tall and short tunnels. Three passages now stood before them. 

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