"Stop it." Billy orders glaring over his shoulder at me.

"Stop what?"

"Stop the singing."

"I'm not singing."

"Well just- just stop the noise leaving your mouth. I need to concentrate!" He snaps looking away.

I sigh loudly and blow my lips out until he finally snaps.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" He shouts spinning on his chair.

"I told you, to remove the stic-"

"Stick from my ass. Yeah I got that! But should I remove the stick that had implemented me to worry myself sick about you for those months you were in hospital?! Worry about how the accident would affect you? Or affect your life as you knew it? The worry I felt every night when I had to leave you behind, strapped to machines that helped you breathe for the first few days because your body was so badly damaged that you couldn't do without it?! Or maybe I should worry about your mental state as you clearly have some issue if you think Zak is your safest option when it comes to men!"

I sat there, with my eyebrow raised as I listened to his reasons.

"Maybe I should step away, let you get hurt and trodden on by his ways, because that's what he will do! He will use you and then throw you aside!"

"You don't know that." I bit back.

"No, but I know Zak and I've certainly been around him a lot longer than you to know exactly what he is like."


"Don't tell me he has changed. Don't insult me Katy. Don't you dare."

I shake my head in disbelief "So you're saying I have to chose then?"

"No I'm making the choice. Because as long as he is in the picture, in your bed.. I don't want nothing to do with it. I can't. Because I'll see you getting upset and how do I comfort you? How do I pat you on the back and say to keep your head up when he's going to be there like a fucking cysts!"

"Cyst?! Billy he's one of your best friends!"

"Yeah?! Well not anymore! Because friends don't pull shit like that on each other!"

"This is insane!" I exclaim sitting forward in frustration. "He's not only your friend but he's your boss too!"

"Well maybe he shouldn't be?! Maybe I should just cut both of you out and find something else?!"

I frown "You don't mean that."

"Don't I?! The man is a parasite!"

"He's nothing of the sort! You don't know him how I know h–"

"Wake up Katy!" He roared slamming his fist down on the table. "You need to pull your head out the damn clouds!"

"I am awake! And if I didn't know any better I would say you were jealous that I've finally found happiness! I would say you're jealous because you're not number one anymore!"

"Was I ever with you?! Maybe you're both a perfect fucking match! Both stupid and think with what's in your pants!"

"Don't you dare!" I fumed, as my anger boiled.

"No! Don't you dare! You know what?! Get the fuck out of my house!"

"I'm not leaving! So throw me out!"

By this stage myself and Billy were head to head screaming at each other when the door to the office opened. I tore my eyes off him to look over.

"Is this a private argument? Or can anyone join?" Zak asks looking between us.

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