He needed to know if Derek killed that girl, and he needed to put an end of Derek being aggressive towards Scott. He was just a helpless kid who got into a sticky situation and needed help not threats. A few minutes passed by, before Percy saw the black Corvette pull into the parking lot next to his car. Percy pulled his phone out and texted Stiles that Derek was away from the house, hoping his two friends would be able to use the time to figure out if Derek was guilty or not.

"You know there's a curfew for everyone under Eighteen right?" Derek asked as he walked towards Percy.
"And there's also laws about breaking and entering people's houses," Percy responded coldly.
"I would say you're right," Derek said shrugging, "Why couldn't this be settled over a phone call."

"I like face to face better," Percy stated standing up from the park bench to meet Derek, "Gets the point across better."

"Uh huh," Derek responded, "Go on with it."

"We need to get on the same page," Percy began, "If you actually want to help Scott, there can't be any of this menacing and attacking bullshit you got going on."

"Think about what happens if he plays tomorrow night," Derek exclaimed, "He loses control and shifts in front of all his friends, and his mother! His life would be ruined and he would become the top target for the Argents!"

"He's just a teenager Derek!" Percy exclaimed, "I've done a lot of research and from what I've gathered Hunters don't attack those who haven't killed anyone! They'll just use him to get to the alpha and honestly isn't that what we all want?"

"The Alpha killed my sister, and took her powers... yes I want that. But Scott's not ready, and we can't let the Argents use him, no matter if he has a crush on there daughter or not!" Derek exclaimed.

"Then actually help him!" Percy exclaimed in frustration, "Because right now Scott and Stiles think you killed that girl! And honestly I saw the dirt pile by your house when I was there, what happens when the Poilce come knocking?"

"I'll be proven innocent, there's bite marks and claw marks all over her, I'll be in jail for half a day," Derek shrugged, "And if that's what it takes for Scott and Stiles to believe I'm not a killer then so be it, I can hold my own."

Percy sighed annoyed as he turned from Derek shaking his head in frustration. Derek obviously didn't kill the girl, hell he said it was his sister and he said his sister was an alpha. Percy's mind began to connect the dots as he remembered Derek's eyes were blue, not the red of an alphas.

"That's what they're doing right now isn't it?" Derek asked, "Trying to get me convicted for murder so Scott can play a lacrosse game? And you drew me out here so I wouldn't stop them."

Percy sighed as he turned back towards Derek and gave the werewolf a nod, Derek simply sighed frustrated before saying, " But you did want to talk."

"Yeah," Percy sighed out, "Look if you're not the alpha then who is?"
"I don't know."
"Well it bit Scott, so does he have some sort of connection with it?" Percy asked.

"In theory yeah," Derek explained, "Scott doesn't have full control when he's shifted yet so when the Alpha howls it will pull Scott's wolf out in response to join his alpha. However, once Scott rejects the alpha he's no longer apart of its pack and I'm guessing that's going to be a lot harder then what it seems."
"In most cases you're either born part of a pack, or bitten willingly into one. This case Scott has been forcefully turned, so I'd assume the alpha will prey on Scott's inability to control his shift, and make him join him. He'll make Scott feel helpless to the point he has no other choice but to join the alpha."

"How the hell will he do that?" Percy asked confused.
"I've heard of stories of it but... basically the alpha needs betas to make it stronger. When Scott's with the alpha they both will be stronger, so if the alpha forces Scott to kill someone, or say all of his friends making Scott think he did it himself..."

"Scott will go to the alpha for help, and ultimately join the alpha," Percy concluded. Derek nodded and Percy sighed frustrated.
"However we can use Scott's connection to our advantage," Derek stated, "But I'll leave that for when I'm out of prison. Just focus on making sure Scott doesn't kill anyone tomorrow night, and if you can get him to not play do it."

"I'm sorry," Percy replied honestly, "But you can tell why they thought it was you I was just trying to kill two birds with one stone."
"I know, I can hear your heart beat you're not lying," Derek responded as he turned away from him and walked back towards his car before he turned back and added, "I'll try my best to be more helpful... but I think that roles best left for you."

"He needs you to teach him control," Percy called back.
"I will," Derek replied, "But in order to do that being nice doesn't always get the job done... at least it didn't for me. And with that Derek got into his car and drove away leaving Percy in the park alone once again.

Sighing Percy glanced towards the woods behind the playground in the park, and to his amazement he saw a pair of red eyes staring back at him. Instinctively Percy snatched Riptide from his pocket and stared at the two eyes before making a rash choice, and sprinting towards them. They vanished as Percy gained ground but he didn't stop running, he quickly burst through the tree line uncapping Riptide and glancing around for any sign of the beast he had seen bite Scott. However instead of a growl or red eyes, he heard the sound of a gun being pointed to the side of his head.

"Put the sword down son," a gruff voice sounded out as two more men stood in front of him aiming there assault rifles, with red laser pointers at his chest. Percy began to weigh his options before the man jammed the barrel of gun closer to his head.

"I said put the sword down." Percy grimaced frustrated with the fact that these men could see through the mist and know he wasn't holding a pen out for protection. Gritting his teeth Percy dropped the sword to the ground before quickly reacting, throwing his left hand upwards and grabbing the mans arm before he had time to react. He then spun around quickly and sent a fist to the mans face before diving forwards and avoiding the spray of silenced bullets coming his way.

Ignoring the twigs and rocks cutting up his skin, Percy scrambled to his feet, and sprinted off, with the men close behind him. He quickly zigzagged through trees and ducked underneath low branches before he skidded to a stop at a cliff. He cursed to gods underneath his breath, however he did notice he had been lucky enough to run towards the cliff below the small lake. However Percy wasn't found of jumping from tall heights and into water, not since his free fall into Tartarus.

"End of the line kid!" He heard the gruff voice call out, as the sets of footsteps following him also came to a stop behind him. Percy turned around, and swallowed hard as he saw Allison's father once again aiming his pistol towards him.

"I'm not a werewolf!" Percy growled doing his best to deepen in voice and growl his words out to disguise his voice.

"Then why did you help that beta last Friday?" Argent asked raising his eyebrow.
"So he can lead me to the alpha," Percy lied, "So I can kill it."
"Then we have the same goals," Argent replied.
"My goals don't include hurting an innocent person," Percy responded. Argent didn't respond so Percy decided to ask some questions.
"Do you know who I am?"

"No," Argent sighed, "Should I?"

"No, do you know who Medusa is?"


"I'm the one who killed her,"Percy stated with a smirk, "When I was Twelve." Then off that note Percy leapt off the cliff and into the lake below.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and who do you think Percy should be with? And Lydia isn't an option, and I might wait till season 2 before Percy winds up with anyone but just let me know. And FYI Stiles will start to learn about his powers soon. Ik it's like chapter 8 but it's still only episode 2. I'm trying to mix some things up and have fun with the story line and make it fresh for y'all so it's not like you're watching the show.

So expect the story line to be very different from the show.

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