Chapter Four

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Stiles was laying asleep in his bed, but his dreams were nothing but calming.
He was walking towards a figure, who seemed oddly familiar but at the same time was a stranger to him. As he came closer the figure turned towards him causing Stiles to stop in confusion. It was the new kid, Percy. He seemed perfectly calm for what he stood over, except a long cut was just on the outside of his left eye seeping with blood.

"It's time to end this," Percy growled out.
"To end what?" Stiles asked curiously not knowing what he was talking about.
Percy nodded for Stiles to walk forwards and he did, standing next to the green eyes boy stiles looked down in shock. Scott laid there with multiple bullet wounds with blue steam coming from them, but a few feet away a blonde haired man lay against a tree stump with long cuts across his torso possibly from a sword.
"There's a war brewing Stiles, and you and your friend aren't prepared for this."

"Prepared for what!?" Stiles exclaimed.
"FOR THAT!" Percy screamed pointing into the darkness. Stiles followed his finger to see two glowing red eyes staring at him from a distance. Before it started to charge and the two of them. Percy shoved stiles out of the way and suddenly he had a sword in his hand, standing over Stiles defensively as the monster leapt in the air to attack.

Stiles eyes shot open then, and he leaned up in his head covered in sweat.
"What the hell?" He cried out annoyed and confused. Ripping off his sweat drenched t shirt he tossed it on the ground. Standing up he walked over to his dresser to retrieve another when he came upon a book with a trident on it.

Not thinking anything of it Stiles seemingly tossed the book on his desk and slipped his shirt on and tried to go back to sleep.


Percy was at the school, it was dark and he was trying to control his breathing as he was being chased. He had Riptide out and was listening for the foot steps that seemed to be coming from everywhere.

He glanced to his left where he saw a group of men with assault rifles turn the corner. The laser sights on there weapons all ended up on his chest causing the demigod to catch his breath.

"You has to know Percy, you couldn't of saved him. He's a monster a freak of nature. Just like you," the lead man said stepping forwards, he had blonde hair that was starting to grey and a stubble of a beard as he hadn't shaved for a few days.

"You're insane," Percy snarled raising Riptide up for defense.
"And you're half god, but I doubt that would save you from us. You're half human as well which means mortal. Scott and Stiles are dead it's time to end the last piece of the trio that made this town a more dangerous place."
"You're an Idoit we help people not kill them!" Percy cried out angrily, " But I think I can make an exception this once."

The lead man narrowed his eyes at the demigods words until Percy outstretched his arms. The ground started to shake, and the demigods eyes were glowing bright green. The men looked at echo their before they decided to go ahead and shoot. But before they could pull the triggers Percy outstretched his free arm. The men began to rise, and when Percy forced his hand into a fist the men suddenly exploded in front of the lead man.

"Like I said Percy you're a monster," The man snarled.
"Says the man that just killed a defenseless sixteen year old kid," Percy snarled, " I'm not a monster. I'm just a kid that's been through much and has to make it to his mothers birthday dinner next month. Plus you killed my brother you son of a bitch."

Then Percy snapped his fingers and the lead man fell to his knees as blood and other fluid started to pour from his body. He stared for a moment before turning around and walking away anger seeping through his veins.

Percy shot up in his bed, which itself was soaked with swear but Percy dried off instantly. He touched the bed and felt it dry before shaking the nightmare from his thoughts. He glanced over at his clock and groaned. He had slept through half the school day, and he wouldn't be able to track Scott and Stiles and learn more without being there.

"I can still make it for tryouts," Percy mumbled to himself.


The next day went by as a blur for Scott as he was giddy. Last night had been probably one of the luckiest of his life. The new girl Allison had brought in a dog she had accidentally hit, and somehow she agreed to go to Lydia's party with him.

The last class of the day was coaches, and about thirty minutes in the new kid Percy came in late.

"Mr. Jackson, how nice of you to join us," Coach said sarcastically.
"Sorry, thought it was b track, I was on the other side of the building," Percy replied quickly.
"For thirty minutes?" Coach asked annoyed.
"Yes. For thirty minutes," Percy responded before sitting in the only seat left.

Scott barely paid attention in class, to excited to prove himself at tryouts. His day dreams consisted of the game winning shot at the championship game, and Jackson sitting on the bench instead of him.

Stiles wasn't paying attention in class for a whole different reason. He was texting his dad furiously about the dead body, which in fact was driving controversy. His dad had told him that there were a few bite marks on the women's body. He was trying to desperately to convince his dad what animal the bite marks were from.

At first his dad assumed it was a coyote, but they were abnormally large for them, and he'd get back to him on the finals outcome of it. He sat nervously for about thirty minutes, his adhd causing him to go mess around with random objects on his desk. He forgot to take his medicine today since he had to pick up Scott to go to school.

The bell rang and kids rushed out of the class, but stiles and Percy were left alone. Percy finally let out a sigh of frustration before walking out and towards the locker room next door. Stiles stared at his phone on his desk before giving up and following Percy out of the room.

While strapping on his pads Stiles got a notification from his father that caused Stiles eyes to shoot towards his bestfriend walking out of the locker room.

The text read- Bite marks on body are from a wolf.

"That's impossible," Stiles whispered under his breath remembering that wolves hadn't been in California for decades.

Dark side Percy? These dreams are both scenarios the brother will has based on choices they make. They see the choices they make in the dreams and know they have to do something else to make sure that happens. Percy will be plagued with dreams of him using powers that he's never seen before but using them in terrible ways. But a lot of these powers will show up the question is if Percy will let all his anger out and grief that plagues him.

Also I've decided that Percy's going to get into a relationship and it's not Lydia, so I'll leave who you think he ends up with even tho I gave it away right then and there. I hoped you liked the chapter I've been busy and have been really writing a lot of chapters latter on for what I want to happen and then bring it in full circle and have a great lead up for the final moment in the story.

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