Chapter 5: Raindrops

Start from the beginning

Waking up Monday, Izuku crawled out of bed excited for lunch that day. Slowly he was making more and more friends, and he enjoyed seeing them interact with one another. However, as he sat on the train towards U.A. the boy realized Ojiro had no knowledge of his invitation of Ida and Uraraka to their table. He would have to tell him before class. Luckily he saw the tailed teen sitting next to Koji Koda just outside the entrance of the school on a bench.

Midoriya walked up to the two and asked, "Morning. Mind if Ojiro-san and I have a moment Koda-san?" Koji nodded softly and got up to leave, he gave Mashirao a small wave as he left. Izuku turned back to Ojiro, he said, "Sorry. I didn't interrupt anything important, did I?"

Mashirao responded, "Nah. We were pretty much done. Koda-san just wanted some reassurance about the Hero Festival coming up. He was acting more nervous than normal. Luckily I guessed right when I asked him. It's sometimes hard to figure out what Koda-san wants to talk about."

Izuku added, "Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard him speak. Is he mute?"

The tailed teen shook his head and said, "Koda-san can talk, he's just too shy to in most situations. It's rare, but it happens. He actually has quite the vocabulary. Still mostly only responds with either nods or shakes of his head when I speak with him."

"Sounds like you have known him for some time," Izuku pointed out.

Nodding, Ojiro said, "Since middle school. Koda-san always only socialized with students that had quirks that made them appear animal-like if he could. My tail is what got him to want to hang around me. Seems that still applies nowadays here at U.A. since I've only seen him interact with me and Tokoyami-san out of all the students in the class." Mashirao stood up and started to walk towards the school entrance. As he passed Izuku, he stated, "Sorry for rambling, again. Let's head to class." As Midoriya started to follow, the tailed teen asked, "You wanted to talk about something? Wait does this have to do with your date with Hagakure-san on Saturday? How did that go?"

In a startled voice, Izuku said, "I told you it wasn't a d-date." Clearing his throat, Midoriya continued, "I just wanted to tell you I invited Ida-san and Uraraka-san to our lunch table. I thought it would be rude not to tell you since I already told Hagakure-san yesterday on the phone about my decision."

With an eyebrow raised Mashirao asked, "Is there any particular reason you asked them to come?" Midoriya proceeded to tell Ojiro about Saturday as they entered the school. Izuku decided not to mention that it was Ida's plan all along for them to see each other and the embrace that he shared with Tooru. As both teens entered classroom 1-A, Mashirao said, "Well sounds like you guys had fun. I guess I can understand why you invited the two after what happened."

"Thanks for understanding Ojiro-san," Izuku said with a sigh of relief.

Ojiro sat down at his desk and asked, "Were you expecting me to say no?"

Izuku scratched the back of his head and said, "No. But you know how I overthink about stuff sometimes. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't stepping on anybody's toes. To be honest, I'm just glad our group is getting bigger."

Mashirao gave a small smirk and said, "You know, our table can seat six people. We have room for one more if we wanted. Any ideas?"

This idea hadn't crossed Izuku. Tooru probably chose the table randomly, Izuku thought. Or did she? Their circular table seated fewer people than the longer rectangular tables and was less common as well in the cafeteria. She would have had a better chance to talk with someone at the larger tables. So why choose a smaller one?

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