Chapter 48: Cubicity

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A cloudy afternoon greeted the couple as they left their recent hideout overlooking Tokyo Bay. Tooru didn't feel much better than when she entered this place, so she couldn't imagine what Izuku felt as he only slept for about three hours. His suit was looking worse for wear, too. It had been a few days since they left to investigate all the Nomu sightings to their south. They had just arrived back at Yokohama this morning before taking a break.

"We're ready, Prime." Izuku stated before yawning.

"Roger. Just reading through a police report All Might just sent me. We got some activity to our west, it seems."

Tooru asked, "Nomu?"

A few moments passed before it responded. "Looks like it. A big one, and it's just flying around and hasn't done anything notable yet."

"I'll deal with it. You and Tooru are on stand-by if anything else comes up."

A nearby garage door rose and out rolled Baby Prime. "Roger."

Hagakure turned to her boyfriend and said, "Stay safe, Izuku."

Midoriya nodded and used black whip to bring him to a rooftop before heading west. The girl's shoulders sagged. Not even a hug goodbye. Though, on second thought, she noted he was starting to smell pretty foul. Tooru also noticed he had become more irritable than usual since they got closer to Yokohama. Though the boy didn't say why when asked.

The bot groaned. "Wish I could go."

Hagakure walked over and placed a hand on Prime's arm as she said, "I'm sure he would call on you if he needs the backup."

"I don't know. Sure, there's been a bunch of these Nomu the last few days, but we keep running into weaklings. I feel overqualified."

"It's something, at least. The pros only found another dead end in Chiba."

"And now they're in Saitama because of some fire outbreaks. I guess in the end, we got the better deal."

"Even punching even weaklings is more fun than putting out a fire for someone like you."

"You know it." The bot then rolled back into the garage, ducking as he went. "Welp, I guess I'll keep listening in on the police unless All Might has anything for us."

The former pro hero's voice answered back, "Nothing else, really. You three have really been on a roll these last few days."

Tooru lowered her helmet to speak to her communicator. "We are sort of retracing our steps but in the opposite direction." She recalled how they had come by here during their first week of this whole thing.

"We have them running scared even after being gone for a time. There's not much activity besides all the Nomu."

"Not really into waiting around for something to happen, though," Hagakure stated as she activated her suit's invisibility before leaning against the house they were staying at.

The retired pro hero argued, "Well, something else is definitely happening here. They wouldn't let these many Nomu roam for no reason, even if they are not strong. Our enemy has a limited amount left and no way to create quickly now that we have their creator, Dr. Garaki, in custody."

"Just wish we knew what that was," Tooru stated. She didn't like that they had yet to progress on whatever this all meant.

Prime spoke excitedly, "Hatsume-sama's drone has located the flying Nomu. That's a big one, alright!"

"Yeah, I can see it in the distance. It's still just circling, but my Danger Sense is starting to act up," Izuku said with concern.

All Might added, "If it ends up being a High End, we should-." The message was cut off.

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