First Mission

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Nick POV

This girl is trying to kill me, I had so many cuts and bruses i looked like I came back from a war. "Isn't the point to have me get better, not kill me"

"Which ever.... happens first" Diana was having a hard time breathing. "Maybe we should take a break" I suggested. "Not...a...chance" she blasted more energy at me and collapsed. "Diana!" I ran towards her, lifted her up and let her rest on me.

"Are you ok?" She looked at me holding her and shoved me away. "I'm fine" she tried standing up but fell, I caught her and put her arm about my neck. "Fairies can't use.... magic out of anger, it weakens them, let me go I can walk myself" she stood back on her own two feet.

"Why are you so angery at me?"

"Why!? Because you never seem to take anything seriously! Lives are at stake and all you want to do is have fun and court as many girls as possible"

"Not every girl, and with that attitude you will never be courted" I smirked. Diana fumed, there was suddenly a loud horn sound. Diana flew off, "Hey wait!" I called saving my arms up and down. "let's see how well you can ride Shadow" she kept flying. "Come here girl" Shadowclaw screeched and stood next to me with one wing down, I stepped on it and she launched me on her back.

"Shadow, follow that fairy" I pointed at Diana. Shadow jumped up into the hair making me grab on to her feathers and began flapping her wings, this was even better then riding the unicorn, because I had a connection with this creature.

We landed infront of the lake and saw the others were all ready there. Blossom cleared her throat "Good, now that everyone is here we can begin, my troops spotted pixies being taken by Than's monsters, save them and bring them back." I noticed everyone was looking at Diana fearfully "I am assigning this mission to, the savior, Nixie, Anton, Diana, and Leo" Diana's hands burst into green flames. Fantasia gallopped forward and began nuzzling and licking Diana.

"I'm fine girl, let's go guys" Diana snapped her fingers and suddenly we all had packed backpacks. Nixie and Diana already got a head start while Anton and I mounted Leo. "What's up with Diana?"

"Pixies and fairies never got along, and it seems you made her angery enough as is" Anton snickered. "I didn't even do anything!" I said defensively. Leo caught up to the girls, "So do you girls know where we are headed?" I broke the silence.

"I know the way to Thans palace, from there I'll be able to get the foul stench of Pixie dust" Diana didn't make eye contact. Anton smiled at Nixie, I could tell she was trying not to smile, and her face was bright red.

"Girls...they are totally strange creatures..." Anton shook his head, "believe me dude I know"

"Take Nixie for example, she likes me, I kiss her, now she won't even look at me...."

"Well do you like her back?"

"I mean what's not to like about her? We've known each other for a while" I have Anton a blank stare. "But do you...have feelings for her...courting wise if that's what you guys say"

"Woah since when did you get so deep"

"I'm not ussually, but Nixie seems quiet shy and sensitive, but still tough girl, you don't just kiss those types for no reason"

"I see, you are very wise, so what do you recommend I do?"

"Well knowing these types, she's feeling flustered and kinda embereessed, when you two are alone, I suggested you about your feelings, that is if you actually feel the same way and want to get anywhere with her"

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