Rest In Peace

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Noragamiotaku helped me with this chapter, thank you

Nicolas P.O.V

This is the first time I cried out of real sadness. I loved my parents so much, they gave me everything I ever wanted and ever needed. I'll miss my mom and dad's singing to me every night, they were famous for their astonishing voices.

The raindrops trickled from my hair and went into my eyes, covering up my tears. The thunder cracked as I saw the two black coffins being lowered into the hole that was big enough for the both of them.

My parents were amazing, they loved each other so much they even died together at the same time. I chuckled at the thought. My black suit was becoming heavy from the rain until my aunt put her umbrella above me. She was a kind lady but she always seemed distant from me, I never complained though.

I knew myself well. I knew the next day I would feel nothing, do nothing, and say nothing. The final words of the priest were muffled and finally people stood in a line to throw a handful of dirt onto the coffin.

I stood towards the back of the line and I wanted to be last but I heard my name being called. The muffled words became clearer the louder he called my name.

"Nicholas! You must be the first to throw some dirt." He yelled over the rain.

I nodded and made my way to the front. My shiny black shoes were being splattered by mud but I paid no attention.

"Here you are my boy." He gave me the dirt and patted my head gently.

"Rest in peace." I muttered and threw the dirt in.

A Few days later

"How did you like that movie babe" I asked my girlfriend Carly while I drove us back home. "It was good, but how are you Nick" she put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine, why?"

"Hon, you don't always have to put on a careless face, your parents just died you are aloud to show emotions at a time like this"

"This isn't a face, I'm perfectly fine, and besides now there's no one to stop us from doing what ever we want, if you know what I mean" I  gave her a devilish smile. "What the hell Nicolas Ricky!?" She punched me angerly. "I was just kidding babe sheesh of course I miss them but there's nothing I can do, they left me all their money, the mansion, and the staff I'm covered."

I focused on a road, I noticed a deer crossing the road "yo check it out, I bet you  $20 I can hit it" I sped up the car.

"What!? No!" Carly slammed my foot on the break, we made a hard stop the deer quickly ran away. "Hey I almost had her"

"What is wrong with you!? You could've killed her!"

"Relax babe it's just a deer" I chuckled, "ok you know what I'm gonna walk home" she stormed out of my car. I quickly followed her "wait what? Babe come on"

"Ok listen I didn't want to tell you this because I figured the last thing you need is more depressing news, but obviously you don't care" I stared at her confused. "Our parents arranged us to be together, I didn't want to but I figured maybe you weren't so bad! But nope you are, and I'm sorry I don't care what my parents say I can't be with you any more" she walked away.

I stood there stupidly watching her leave, "well fine, I can get any girl I want! I'm rich and really hot" I yelled. She didn't say anything, just kept walking. I went back in my car,  slammed the door, and drove home.  

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