Ready for The Party?

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Diana POV

It was 2 am, I was wide awake, why? The non-stop howling of the Fenrir, normally I wouldn't mind it, but she's been doing it for 2 hours and I needed to sleep, Sirena's lucky she gets to sleep underwater.

"Nixie can you please do something about Artemis!" I groaned. "Your the one who can talk to animals!" Nixie covered her face with a pillow. I flew down synched my mind her hers. "What's wrong" I yawned, "I miss my mommy" Artemis whimpered.

"Oh" I stroked her I though a rock and Nixie, "hm what!" She sat up, and flew down to us. "Artemis misses her mom" I whispered. " do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" Nixie asked, Artmis nodded.

I tossed Nixie a blanket and pillow, she put the blanket on top of them both and cuddled. I signed, I stepped outside and whistled, Fantasia trotted to me, I led her in the room, she laid down and tucked me under her wing, I felt my eyes shut.

"Wake up!" I heard a squeal and immidialy stood up, waking up Fantasia too. Sirena was jumping up and down and squealing, Coral was in a large floating bubble next to her. "What's with you merpeople and waking up so early!" Nixie yawned. "The nymphs are helping us get ready for the party! Even the little ones" Sirena tickled Coral under the chin.

"And I intend to impress the savior" she touched up her makeup. "And Nixie! Now is your chance to impress Anton" Sirena sang. " did you.."

"Oh honey it was obvious, Diana is there anyone your interested in?" Nixie quickly shook her head, I stayed silent, just the thought of him made my eyes water, I simply walked out the door with Fantasia at my side, Nixie was the only one I ever told about Bathen, and she knew how painful it was to talk about.

"Hey! guess who got up early just for you beautiful ladies" Nick winked. I turned around and saw Nixie rolling her eyes and Sirena smiling and waving.  "So who's gonna accompany me to the party?" Nick stepped closer to me and I shoved him out of the way to get to the table.

"That is foolish of you to think, a delicate flower such as herself will go with a prince!" Aron linked my arm to his. I pulled my arm out and stood up. "I don't even want to go to this stupid party so both of you will have to find someone else" I was about to march back into our room but the door automatically slammed shut.

"Diana, you know what happens if you reject my generosity, but if you don't want to go" The Queen began to sniffle and her eyes began to water, the sky became dark and there was thunder. "No no my Queen I was just kidding, of course I'll come" I faked a smile. "Splendid! I left dresses that were tailored by the silk worms, I feel you'll like them! Same for you boys!" The queen clapped while giggling then left.

After breakfast we went back to our rooms to see three beautiful dresses!

After breakfast we went back to our rooms to see three beautiful dresses!

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