Arm Cuff

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Nicolas arrived at his large mansion "good evening Master Ricky" the door man opened the door. "Penguin!" Nick yelled, Nick has called his butler Penguin since he was little because he dressed in black and white.

"Yes Master Ricky?" Penguin came running "get me a large glass of root beer I'll be in my game room!" Nick demanded. "Yes Master Ricky." Nick marched up to his state of the art game room filled all the latest gaming counsels along with a large flat screen he tv and a hot tub, there's a hot tub in almost every room.

Penguin knocked on the door, "your root beer" he put the drink by his side. "Penguin, did mom and dad arrange me and Carly to be together?" Nick asked while playing Call of Duty. "Unfortunately yes, I'm guessing she ended things with you?"

"Yeah, why though?"

"Your parent believed if they set you up you wouldn't experience heart break, plus they thought having a girlfriend with a heart like hers would be good for you" he sighed. "I don't do heart break" Nick grunted.

"Nicolas my boy you are a living thing, and all living things have feelings, it is not healthy to bottle up feelings like that"

"Its also not healthy for you to talk back to your boss" he pauses his game and looked at Penguin angerly. "Nick I've worked here longer then anyone else, you may not admit it but you care about me and the other staff to much to gave any of us fired, and no matter what we care about you, we made a promis to your parents to give you love and care and all of us in tend to keep it" Penguin said sternly. Nick scoffed and continued his game.

Penguin P.O.V

What am I gonna do with that boy. I walked back and forth in my room, maybe it's time he knew the truth. I sent out a text to all the staff saying to meet me in the secret room.

I pulled a book from the shelf and the wall opened, I made sure to slide the door closed behind me. As I walked in to the room I noticed all  of the staff were there already.

"Why'd you call us?" One of the maids asked, "I think it's time we gave Nicolah the box" I sighed. "But that means..."

"I know"

"As much as he annoys the crap out of me sometimes I'm not ready for him to leave us forever"

"But it also means that we finally get to go home"

"But we won't get to see him again"

"Are you sure he's ready? He's not exactly selfless, and I doubt he wanted to leave his girlfriend" all the staff were talking at the same, I stomped my foot "silence!" The whole room went was now quiet.

"Yes it would mean never seeing our dear boy again but if we keep him any longer our world will be destroyed, Nicolah will remained arrogant and spoiled, and his parents death would be for nothing, Carly just broke up with him and Nicolah, there's nothing left for him here" I said.

"All who agree we should give Nicolah the box say iy" I announced, everyone said iy.

Nicolas P.O.V

My figures were soar from playing so much, I took a sip of my delicious root beer and stuffed a hand full of chips in my mouth.

I heard the door bell ring, "Penguin get the door!" I yelled.  The ringing continued "Penguin!?" The ringing was driving me crazy, I got up from my comfortable position and walked the door with a grumpy look on my face. "I should have then fired for this, where is everyone?"

I opened the door, there was no one there, I looked down to see a fox sitting in front of the door. It snatched my game controller with its mouth right out of my hand "hey!! give that back!" I chased after the fox, damn it was fast. Why couldn't our family own a gun or something, its weird we never had any form of self defense being that we are super rich and all. Where did that stupid fox go? I looked around, I found my controller but next to I saw a golden box with my name on the top of it. "What is this?" I opened the box the first thing I noticed was this arm cuff with swirls. Under it was a note at a book of spells? 

The note read, "Read the first spell in the book, you are more powerful then you know, we love you, mom and dad" I felt a tear shed from my eye, I quickly wiped it away and opened the spell book "Lucisa Jajadama? what the hell?" I felt something cling to my arm, it was the cuff. It started to glow, "what the.." I am seriously freaking out here, I tried pulling the cuff but it wouldn't come off. The cuff glowed brighter and brighter, then suddenly everything went dark.

 The cuff glowed brighter and brighter, then suddenly everything went dark

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