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Diana P.O.V

I woke up in fear and covered in sweat, "ugh another nightmare" I held my head, fell out of bed, and I limped to the bathroom. A nice shower cleared my head, I stepped out dried myself, and took off my wing guarders (I can't afford to damage my wings).

I heard a giant crash from out side, "What was that!" I yelled after slamming the door open. "G-good morning Diana" Anton stepped in front of me, obviously trying to hide something. I shoved him out of the way, I marched towards towards the kitchen which appeared to be smoking.

"Who..did..this!?" I growled, "the new guy!" Anton said without hesitation. "Way to be a good host" Nixie punched him. "I'm gonna kill him!" I absorbed all the smoke in the room. The boy was coughing, when he noticed me he stopped and smiled.

I marched over to him and grabbed his shirt "what did you do!?" I yelled. "Well that's a nice way of saying thank you for trying to make you guys breakfasts." he laughed . I sighed and let him go, with a snap of my fingers everything went back to normal.

"That's a generous offer but Nalu does all the cooking, by hand!" I emphasized that last part. "Duly noted" he backed away, Nalu awkwardly walked to the kitchen. "Wow, why'd you go so easy on him?" Nixie whispered.

"Its only his second day here, he doesn't know our ways, I also don't want to be the one to kill our only hope"

"You should've let him have it" Anton put his arm around me, my eyes started to flame and he backed away. I saw Nixie had a disappointed look on her face. "He's not worth it, there will be plenty of better guys after we stop Than" I gave Nixie a reassuring look.

"Yeah.." I could tell Nixie was still upset, I don't know why she likes him, he's such a... I don't even have words. "Breakfast is served!" Nalu placed Sea weed and Kelp on the table. "Is this even edible?" The boy asked.

"Supply is limited, and it doesn't taste so bad, I added lots of flavor" he said proudly. The boy took a bite, "meh, I've tasted better." Nalu glared at him. "So boy, what are you called on earth?" I asked.

"Um... Nicolas, but my friends call me Nick"

"I see, well your real name is Nicolah"

"No it's not, you just took away the s"

"Your parents and I were very close, it's Nicolah but Nick will do" I said bluntly. I finished my breakfast first, as always. "I'll be in my room, Sirena, get Nick fitted for training"

"Training..." Nick gulped.

Sirena P.O.V

At those words I excitedly dove into the pond. I swam to the floor and grabbed as many pearls  and coral as could, then swam back to the surface, ran to the cauldron and dumped everything in it. "Diana if you please" I stepped out of the way.

"Let's let Nick light it" Diana looked at Nick, "m-me? Sure I got this" he started flipping through the book. He snapped his figures, nothing, he tried again still nothing.

"You have to have a clear picture of what your trying to conjure" Diana hinted. He closed his eyes and snapped again, his figures sparked then burst into flame. "You did it!" I clapped, he looked at his hand, he had panic in his eye.

"Don't freak out!" Diana calmly said "now throw it under the cauldron" Nick threw the flame but it went the wrong way. I ducked but Diana caught the flame and threw it under my cauldron.

"You need to learn how to aim" Diana said angerly.

20 minutes later

Everything had melted into liquid, I used my powers to make raise the melted pearls and coral "this is my favorite part" I winked at Nick. I molded it into impenetrable armor, I then shaped it to fit him perfectly. "How I take this off?"

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