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Nicolas P.O.V

My head hurt like crazy I got up and opened my eyes, I was staring at the most beautiful forest I had ever seen. Where the hell am I though, I walked around, I still had the cuff on my arm and the spell book in my hand. I heard the sound of leaves rustling behind me, I quickly turned around, "I-is someone there?" for the first time in years I was terrified, I heard it again, this time I saw a shadow "I'm warning you, you better come out, I have a black belt, a-and I have magic" I held out my spell book. The bush in front of me started to shake, I stood in a guard pose I remembered from class. An arrow came flying straight towards me from the bush, luckly I dodged it, more came flying, I dodged every single one. "Ha is that the best you got!?" I laughed. There was complete silence, I stared at the bush ready for any more arrows, instead a person came out of the bush and tackled me to the ground.

The person was covered in an outfit made of leaves from head from toe, the only thing that showed was dark brown eyes. I remembered what to do if I was pinned I put my legs on his stomach and I flipped him over, "got yeah now" I laughed. The man poof and left nothing but sparkles, "what the...." I felt a hard shove on my back and slammed against the tree. "You pack a hard punch dude" I faked a laugh. I saw the persons hand was glowing and had a ball of light hovering his hand, he launched it at me a I quickly moved out of the way "Ahhhh What was that" I screamed. He came charging at me but I caught his arm and flipped him, he really looked angry now, I should've known better then the to mess with someone with magic and a bow and arrow. The man held his hand out, I stared at him confused, I suddenly felt myself being pulled backwords.

I noticed tree branches rapped me around the tree, the man walk towards me with a sharp arrow in his hand. He pointed it at my neck, I gulped "whoareyouandwhyareyouoffyourterritory" his word muffled in the mask. "What?" I said in fear. He pealed off the mask "Who are you and why are you off your territory!?" It wasn't a man... "Y-Your a woman..." And a pretty cute one at that "and you didn't answer my question" I felt the sharp arrow press against my throat, "Look, I don't know where I am, the last thing I remember I was on earth! Chasing a fox who stole my game controller, I found this box with this spell book and this arm cuff thing and poof! I'm in some magical forest. "

"Humans can't activate magic! Your lying" she looked at me really closely, for a second I thought she was gonna kiss me, not that I would mind, she caught eye of the cuff "no...it can't be...who are your parents!?" She asked "um.. Dan and Lonni, but they resently passed away" I said bluntly trying not to show emotion. The girl sighed sadly she raised her hand and the branches released me. I took it as a chance to run, I turned and saw the girl was gone. I kept running then slammed into something, the girl stood in front of me with her arms crossed " your not going anywhere" she blasted a ball of light at me and I braised for impact. I opened my eyes and saw my wrists were being held by a glowing purple light.

The girl whistled, suddenly a unicorn just appeared right in front of her "hey Fantasia " she kissed it. I was in absolute shock, she mounted the unicorn and with one hand pulled me up, she is surprisingly strong. I knew where this was going I smiled and shook my head "listen you don't need to kidnap me to date me, you just have to ask, your cute I would've said yes" I leaned closer. She turned around and gave me a confused look "the date is a new moon."


"You asked for the date"

"No I meant...never mind" it became awkwardly quiet, I took a breath to say something "shhh, Fantasia blend" she whispered, the girl disappeared  "hey where'd you.." I felt a hand covering my mouth, we became invisible. This is so cool, I saw a man and woman pulling on chains, they were connected to metal collars around these short people with pointy ears, they looked as if they just got beaten up. Once they passed we became visible again, the girl appeared to be crying "what's wrong?"

"They've captured more, soon we'll have nothing left" she wiped her tears the clicked her tong. The unicorn started to gallop, it was hard to balance when your hands are stuck, but I some how managed "s-so if you don't mind m-me asking w-w-what is your n-name?"

"I am Diana Fay, and to answer your next question you are in Jajadama, and we are going to find out who you are and what your doing here." She yelled through the sound of galloping hooves. "I see....where are you taking me?"

"To the rebels hide out, here we are now" she let go of the unicorns main, "there's nothing but a stone wall that we are going to crash into if you don't stop this thing" I said panicking. She held both hands up and they started to glow a purple light. "Hello! Did you not hear me, we are gonna crash!" We kept galloping, I don't want to die! I closed my eyes and screamed.

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