The Last Fairy

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1 year ago

"Feel the direction of the wind, then release" my father lifted my elbow to form the right angle. I released the cord and the arrow slice the first arrow in half and hit the bullseye.

"I did it!" I giggle and jumped into my father's arms "great job Diana" he spun me around. "Oh come on Daric, a lady should be learning magic spells not how to fight.

"What's wrong with learning a little self defense without magic, last I remember cupid shot his arrow right into our hearts, no magic there" my father kissed my mother. "You guys are so gross" I interrupted their moment.

"You won't be saying that once you get your first kiss with Bathen" my mom playfully scolded, I felt my self blush. "Bathen, now that's a fine warrior, but if he break your heart I'll shoot an arrow right through him" he raised an arrow and shot another bullseye.

Our home was on top of one of the tallest hills in Jajadama. My father, my mother, and I sat on the roof of our house and watched all the fairies in the neighborhood come home to their family's with complete joy.

When the sun set the local dragons would light up the streets with flamed torches. "All right time to get inside" my father tickled me. "But why father, I want to watch the night nymphs fill the sky with stars" I whined.

"We can't dear it's.... getting late and we need to eat supper" my mother stood up, she had a worried look on her face. "Please just five more minuets" I pleaded, I then heard a howl.

"Go, go!" My father picked both me and my mom up and flew us into the house.  "What's wrong?"

"Nothing.... I'm just super hungry, what's for dinner?" He tried changing the subject. "Its your favorite Diana! Spaghetti"

"Oooh yes!" I excitedly sat on the table. The door rang, my mother and father anxiously looked at the door "who could that be?"

My father grabbed a wooden stake and a mirror "I don't know.." he pressed his back against the wall and angled the mirror to the window, "phew, it's just Bathen" he quickly opened the door just wide enough to let Bathen in.

"You know your not allowed to be out this late after sundown" my father attempted to whisper, but I could hear every word. "I know but they invaded my house, my parents are trying their best to defend themselves but they told me to hide here." The way Bathen said they made me shiver, "who's they?" I spoke in normal toned.

They looks at me wide eyed "the police! They uh...finally caught my dad not paying the tickets for his fine" Bathen had always been a horrible lyer but I didn't wanna push. "Why don't you join us for dinner" I asked and kissed him on the cheek, I saw my dad squint.

"Um actually he and I are gonna go deal with the... police"

"Why don't I come with you"

"NO!" They both yelled at the same time. I stepped back, what could be so bad that they would keep it from me, I thought they told me everything, especially Bathen"

"Come finish your dinner" my mom pulled me away. I ate my dinner and saw my father grab his bow and arrows fly out.

I finished my dinner "I'm going to bed mother" I walked up the stairs. I looked through the crack of my door I saw the lights go off in the kitchen and my mother walked up the stairs to her room. Once I saw the lights go off I flew out my window to Bathens house.

I couldn't believe my eyes, there were bats, Werewolves, and Vampires all over the house, I thought they never came out of the dark forest. I saw my dad shooting for his life, and Bathen covered in blood and slicing the werewolves, two of then were wearing his parents clothes.

I saw my dad ran out of wooden arrows and fall on his back, the vampire pounced "Ivey Vine!" I held out my hands they glowed green, vines  grew from the ground and  rapped around the vampire, it didn't hold him for long but just enough to let my dad escape.

"Diana! Get out if here!" He cried, I flew down towards them. "Diana leave!" Bathen ran towards me fighting off as much monsters as he could. I threw a ball of energy which seemed to stun them for a little.

"I'm not leaving you!" I cried, Bathen cupped my face and gently kissed my lips. "I love you" he smiled a tear shed from his eyes, one of the wolfs tackled him to the ground. I screamed and flew up, he came back up as a werewolf and howled. I turned to my dad, he had large fangs and his skin was super pale, he looked at me and hissed.

He turned into a bat and flew at me, along with other bats, I grabbed his bow and flew the opposite direction as fast as I could. I got home and knocked on the door hard, another wolf burst through the door, this one in my mother's night gown. I screamed, I flew to every fairies house, they had all turned into a monster.

All of them were now charging at me, without thinking I yelled "Illuminesence!" I opens my eyes to see all the monsters ran away from me whimpering, I saw I was glowing, almost as bright as the sun.

I quickly flew into the forest, I didn't know how long the spell would last but  I knew I could find refuge with the animals. I flew too fast and couldn't stop, I crash landed into the ground. "Are you ok?" I heard a sweet voice ask, I got up to see a little bunny sitting infront of me.

"Yes I'm fine" I started to sob, "those monsters attacked didn't they?" The bunny asked. I nodded my head, "I can take you somewhere safe, the monsters won't find you there, fallow me" the bunny started hopping, I cluched my dad's bow and followed the bunny.

It took me up to this stone wall "where is it?" The bunny looked at the wall, a beautiful woman with long black hair, and a handsome man with blond hair walked out of the wall. "Welcome Diana, I am Luna and this is my husband Dawn, we are the Rebelion and with your help we'll defeat Than, the leader of the monsters. "


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