I nod as I looked down to him, “Harry,” I called, “I’m here.” I say, “Harry I’m right here.”

“He’s been calling you all morning.” Says Niall.

Looking at Harry I say, “He’s what woke me up.” I say, “I could hear him, I could him calling to me, pulling me here.”

“That’s not normal.” Says Liam, “How is that possible?” he looks at Niall.

Niall shrugs as I watched Harry, his chest rose and fell heavily as his lips, pale like his skin, parted and his breathing starts to increase.

“Anna,” says Angel worry in her voice, “You need to move.”

I stood there watching him, and as I watched I could hear Angel yelling for me to move but I was frozen in place. Harry’s breathing increased becoming heavy and ragged. His eyes shot opened as his claws retracted from his hands.

“ANNA!” yells Niall as Liam forcefully pulls me back just as Harry turns to me and launches. Falling to the ground Niall and Liam wrestled Harry to the floor as Angel yells, “I’m calling Nick.”

As I heard her running out the room, my eyes couldn’t leave Harry’s. As he stared at him, lips pulled back snarling something kept telling me, He won’t hurt you, it’s okay, he won’t hurt you.  Moving towards him slowly, his eyes locked onto me as Niall yells, “Anna get back!”

I shook my head as I knelt in front of Harry.

Pulling back his lips he snarls move, as he tries to launch towards me. As I raised a hand to his cheek slowly, I was surprised at how calm I was. My breathing was even, but I could fell power surging through me, the same power from last night, when he kissed me.

“Hey relax,” I say softly as I placed my hand completely on his cheek, “It’s me, it’s just Anna.”

Looking at me Harry calms a bit, but continued to snarl at me. As I searched his sliver eyes, I remember what Harry did when I was starting to have a panic attack at school and I mimicked him.

“Harry I know you’re in there.” I say calmly, “Come back, your safe.”

Harry snarls at me as he launches forward as I moved my hand.

“What are you doing?” snapped Liam, “Do you got a death wish or something.”

I motioned him to be quiet, as I focused in on Harry again, “Harry follow my voice, relax and follow my voice. This isn’t you, this isn’t you.”


Harry POV

This isn’t you

This isn’t you

Is what I kept hearing over and over in my head. Everything was mixed up and I didn’t know what I was doing. Starring at a figure in front of me, red flags went out in my head as snarled. The figure infront of me was blurred and I could only see their body heat.

“Follow my voice, and come back.” the figure says.

A girl.

There was something about the voice, something soft and caring about her voice. Starring at the figure I eased a bit under her touch as she moves her head onto my cheek again.
“Come back to me.” She says softly as she takes my face into her hands.

 I snarled. This chick had balls for touching me.

“I’m not afraid of you.” she says her voice soft, breathing even. Her thumb strokes my cheek as a jolt on energy runs through me. “Focus on my voice, and come back.” she says.

My vision began to even out as I blinked wildly. I could feel my body cooling down under her touch, my racing heart slowed down to a steady beat as I closed my eyes and focused on her voice.

Vanilla swirled around me as I took in deep breaths, I could the beast calming down as I slowed my breathing down even more. Moving closer to me, her face was inches from mine as I could hear her voice in my head saying, votre sécurité, revenez à moi

My eyes shot opened as my vision straightened and my surroundings slowly cleared.

Liam and Niall held me tightly in theirs grips as I looked down at my hands. My claws began to slowly retract as I looked up to see Pebbles. Sitting in front of me, her face was calm, but pale as she looks at me.

“Pebbles?” I strained.

“Harry?” she says hope filling her voice.

“Bro?” asked Liam, “You back?”

I nod as I look between Niall and Liam. Turning back to Pebbles, flashes of what happened in the cabin began to flood back to my mind as I leaned forward touching the side of her face.

"You here." I say.

She nods as she leans into my hand, "I am."

Leaning forward I pulled her into my arms as I held her in silence for a moment. Her heart beat felt faint but steady, as it beats matching my own. “You’re okay,” I whisper against her damp hair,

She nods slightly, I could feel that she was weak as she says, “You’re okay.”

“What happened?” I asked as I pulled away and looked back to Niall and Liam as they helped me stand, and I slowly, pulled Pebbles up with me.

Liam went to speak as footsteps stopped at my door. Instantly pushing Pebbles behind me I looked up at the door to see Nick standing there.

“We need to talk.” He says as his eyes locked onto mine.

I nod as I turned to Pebbles, “Stay here, I’ll be back.”

She nods, looking as exhausted as I felt.

“No.” says Nick firmly, “She comes too.”

Looking at me, worry fills her eyes as I say, “Fine.”

Nick nods as he walks off. Liam and Niall followed as I turned to Pebbles.

“Is he mad?” she whispers.

I shook my head as I took her hand, I could still feel power circulating from my hand to hers and from her to mine, “Don’t worry.” I say in a reassuring tone, “No one is going to hurt you.”

She nods as her hand tightens in my grip as we headed downstairs.

French in this chapter

venir à moi - come to me

votre sécurité, revenez à moi - You're safe come back to me

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